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CJMQ Radio Bingo!

Tous les mardi soirs a 19 h
Every Tuesday evening at 7pm

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CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For May 7, 2024
Congratulations to all the May 7, 2024 bingo winners! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Angela McCallum from Sherbrooke (card bought at Dep. Giroux). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Christine Dohler from Sherbrooke (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville). The third game (full card for $1000.00) was won by Johanne Turcotte from Cookshire (card bought at Clarke & Sons). The fourth game (full card consolation for $200.00) was won by Lisa Lafleur from Magog (card bought at Accomodation 1010). Thanks to all who bought cards and to all the businesses selling our cards and those sponsoring bingo balls
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For April 30, 2024
Congratulations to all the April 30, 2024 bingo winners! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was shared between Shanna Mason from Richmond (card bought at Dep. Craig) and John Crease (card bought at Clarke & Sons). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Linda Guillette from Waterville (card bought at Dep. Waterville). The third game (full card for $1000.00) was shared between Susan Spaulding from Sherbrooke (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford), Jessica Tier from Sherbrooke (card bought at Dep. Pee Wee), and Joshua McLeod from Stanstead (card bought at Mackey). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was shared between Jody Robinson from Sherbrooke (card bought at Jean Coutu Lennoxville), Benjamin Polkki from Montreal (card bought at the Golden Lion Pub), and Lee Wallis (card bought at Marche Tradition in Stanstead). Thanks to all who bought cards and to all the businesses selling our cards and sponsoring bingo balls.
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For April 23, 2024
Congratulations to all the CJMQ radio bingo winners for April 23, 2024! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was shared between Sylvie Turmel from Bury (card bought at the Bury General Store), Marie Lemay from Lennoxville (card bought at Mackey), Trudy Tincarre from East Angus (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford), Francine Drouin from Cookshire (card bought at IGA Cookshire), Manon Desainde Paxton from Coaticook (card bought at Dep. Jacques), Melanie Rose Trepanier from Richmnd (card bought at Marche Richmond), France Bergeron from Hatley (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford), Helen Labrecque from Waterville (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville), and Hendrik Turgeon from Magog (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutriton Centre). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was shared between Mark Guilette from Waterville (card bought at Mackey) and James Hand from Ayers Cliff (card bought at Marche Massawippi). The third game (full card for $1000.00) was won by Tammy Provis from Melbourne (card bought at Dep. Craig). The fourth game (consolation card for $200.00) was won by Lyne Gregoire from Sherbrooke (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville). Thanks to all who played and all the businesses selling our cards and those sponsoring bingo balls.
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For April 16, 2024
Congratulations to all the April 16th, 2024 CJMQ radio bingo winners! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was split between Roseanne Mason from Richmond (card bought at Esso Richmond) and Tracey Guillette from Stanstead (card bought at Marche Tradition in Stanstead). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Linda Guillette from Waterville (card bought at Dep. Waterville). The third game (full card for $1000.00) was split between Emily Gosselin from Sherbrooke (card bought at Golden Lion Pub) and Barbara Williams from Waterville (card bought at Familiprix Waterville). The fourth game (consolation full card) was split between Sarah Rufiande from Drummondville (card bought at Golden Lion Pub), Laura Graham from Lennoxville (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville), Helen Bouchard from Sherbrooke (card bought at Clarke & Sons), Jade St. Amour from Sherbrooke (card bought at Mackey Store in Lennoxville), Carley Mosher from Stanstead (card bought at Le Baron in North Hatley), Alexander Hudson from Richmond (card bought at Marche Richmond) and Linda Guillet from Waterville (card bought at Dep. Waterville). Thanks to all who bought cards and all the businesses selling cards and sponsoring bingo balls.
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For April 9, 2024
Congratulations to the April 9, 2024 radio bingo winners! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was split between Tracie Dougherty from Lennoxville (card bought at the Golden Lion Pub) and Diane Grenier from East Angus (card bought at Dep. East Angus). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was split between Bradley Lassemba from Waterville (card bought at Familiprix Waterville) and Zachary Parnell from Sawyerville (card bought at Dep. CPL LaChance). The third game (full card for $1000.00) was split between Zachary Parnell from Sawyerville (card bought at CPL LaChance) and Bradley Lassemba from Waterville (card bought at Familiprix Waterville). The fourth game (full card consolation) was won by Rita Gagnon from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). Thanks to all who bought cards and to all the businesses selling our cards and sponsoring balls.
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For April 2, 2024
Congratulations to all the CJMQ Radio Bingo winners for April 2, 2024! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Karen Johnston from Richmond (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was split between Jessica Tear from Sherbrooke (card bought at Jean Coutu Lennoxville), Scott Passmore from Waterville (card bought at Jean Coutu Lennoxville), Glenys Groves from Lennonxville (card bought at Golden Lion Pub), Diane Dubois from Cookshire (card bought at Clarke & Sons), and Cheryl Bennett from Sawyerville (card bought at CPL LaChance). The third game (full card for $1000.00) was split between Scott Passmore from Waterville (card bought at Jean Coutu Lennoxville) and Cheryl Bennett from Cookshire (card bought at CPL LaChance). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was won by Sabrina Lapierre from Sherbrooke (card bought at Accomodation 1010 in Magog). Thanks to all who bought cards, all the businesses selling our cards and to all who sponsored bingo balls. Good luck to all for next week!
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For March 26, 2024
Congratulations to all the CJMQ radio bingo winners for March 26, 2024! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was split between Johanne Lapointe from Bury (card bought at Cookshire IGA) and Karen Baillairgeon from Johnville (card bought at Dep. CPL LaChance). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Donna Provis from Richmond (card bought at Dep. Esso Dyson). The third game (full card for $1000.00) was won by Alexandra Corriveau from Stanbridge East (card bought at Golden Lion Pub). The fourth game was split between Joselito Scorosati from Waterville (card bought at Direct Sales) and Patty Burt from Stanstead East (card bought at Ultramar Burrough s Falls). Thanks to all who bought cards and played and to all the businesses selling our bingo cards and to all who sponsored balls.
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For March 19, 2024
Congratulations to all the March 19, 2024 radio bingo winners! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Christopher Nicholl from Lennoxville (card bought at Golden Lion Pub). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by George McNab from Cookshire (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville). The third game (full card for $1000.00) was won by Molly Laduke from North Hatley (card bought at Dep. Waterville). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was split between Diane Dubois from Cookshire (card bought at Clarke & Fils) and Daniel Rodrique from Richmond (card bought at Marche Richmond). Thanks to all who bought cards and played and to all the businesses selling our radio bingo cards. And thanks to all who sponsored bingo balls.
Radio Bingo Winners For March 12, 2024
Congratulations to all the radio bingo winners for March 12, 2024! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Brady Smith from Lennoxville (card bought at the A.N.A.F. The Hut). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Maxine Worsely from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). The third game (full card for $1000.00) was won by Sandy Reid from Richmond (card bought at Marche Richmond). The fourth game (full card consolation for $200.00) was split between Lisa Marie Boulanger from Cookshire (card bought at CPL LaChance) and John Bennett from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). Thanks to all the businesses selling our cards and to all the businesses sponsoring bingo balls.
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For March 5, 2024
Congratulations to all the CJMQ Radio Bingo winners for March 5, 2024! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Glenn Ditchburn from Waterville (card bought at Familiprix Waterville). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Tracey Goyette from Stanstead (card bought at Marche Tradition). The third game (full card for $1000.00) was won by Amanda Takacs from Magog (card bought at Accomodation 1010 in Magog). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was won by Sharon Hatch from St. Mao (card bought at CPL LaChance). Thanks to all who bought cards and played and to all the businesses selling cards and those who sponsored bingo balls. Time to buy your cards for next week!
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For Feb. 27, 2024
Congratulations to all the CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners for Feb. 27, 2024! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Dennis Keenan from Richmond (card bought at Golden Lion). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Cecile Dubuc from Sherbrooke (card bought at Jean Coutu Lennoxville). The third game (full card for $1000.00) was shared between Christen Nielsen from Cookshire (card bought at CPL LaChance), Adam Laberee from Sherbrooke (card bought at Jean Coutu Lennoxville) and Cheryl Bennett from Sawyerville (card bought at CPL LaChance). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was shared between Carol Day from Richmond (card bought at Dep. Craig in Richmond), Debra Pegg from Sawyerville (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville) and Amber-Lee Clifford Williams from Lennoxville (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville). Thanks to all who bought cards and played. Thanks to all the businesses who sponsored balls and who are selling our bingo cards!
Radio Bingo Winners For February 20, 2024
Congratulations to all the winners of the Feb. 20, 2024 radio bingo! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Sharon Hatch from St. Malo (card bought at CPL LaChance). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was shared between Sonya Jeanson from Richmond (card bought at Marche Richmond) and Cassandra Doyle from Lennoxville (card bought at Bonsoir Oxford). The third game (full card for $1000.00) was won by Diane Grenier from East Angus (card bought at Dep. East Angus). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was shared between Susan Wallis from Ayer s Cliff (card bought at Marche Massawippi), Ginette Lebel from Coaticook (card bought at Marche Massawippi), Pamela Rice from Waterville (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre) and Ann Crawford from Sherbrooke (card bought at Jean Coutu Lennoxville). Thanks to all who bought cards and to all the businesses selling cards!
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For February 13, 2024
Congratulations to all the winners of the February 13th, 2024 CJMQ radio bingo! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was split between 8 people: Judy Deboer from Waterville (card bought at Clarke & Sons), Penny Lassemba from Waterville (card bought at Familiprix Waterville), Ashley Mills from Ayer s Cliff (card bought at Marche Massawippi Ayer s Cliff), Tina Weare from Richmond (card bought at Dep Craig), Donna Provis from Richmond (card bought at Dep. Craig), Diane Suitor from Cookshire (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford), Helene Bouchard from Sherbrooke (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville), Dominique Hudon from Lennoxville (card bought at Golden Lion Pub). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was split between 4 people: Pamela Rice from Waterville (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Center), Bernadine Taylor from Sawyerville (card bought at Dep. CPL LaChance), Hendrik Turgeon from Magog (card bought at Accomodation 1010), Katherine Poulin from Ayer s Cliff (card bought at Clarke & Sons). The third game (FULL CARD NOW FOR $1000.00) was won by Dominique Hudon from Lennoxville (card bought at Golden Lion Pub)!! And the fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was won by Danielle Champigny from Sherbrooke (card bought at ANAF The Hut. Thanks to all who bought cards and played and to all the businesses selling cards. And thanks to all the businesses who sponsored bingo balls!
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For February 6, 2024
Congratulations to the radio bingo winners for Feb. 6, 2024! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Carol Paxton from Coaticook (card bought at Marche Massawippi in Ayer s Cliff). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Patrick Rawding from Richmond (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Patrick Rawding from Richmond (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). And the fourth game (full card consolation for $200.00) was won by Jason Stevens from Richmond (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). Thanks to all who bought cards and played and to all the businesses selling our cards. Starting next week on February 13th, the full card will be worth $1,000.00!! What would you do with $1,000.00!!??
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For January 30, 2024
Congratulations to all the radio bingo winners for January 30th! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Ronald McPherson from Sherbrooke (card bought at Jean Coutu Lennoxville). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Annabelle Johnston from Richmond (card bought at Marche Richmond). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Hughie Wallis from Stanstead (card bought at Marche Tradition). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was won by Samuel Rivard from Richmnd (card bought at Dep. Craig). Thanks to all who bought cards and to all the businesses selling cards. Keep playing bingo and keep listening. A big change is coming for the bingo!!
CJMQ Bingo Winners For January 23, 2024
Congratulations to all the January 23rd bingo winners! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Courtney Anderson Stubbert from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Nathalie Veilleux from Sawyerville (card bought at Dep. CPL LaChance). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Virginie Levesque from Sherbrooke (card bought at Golden Lion Pub). The fourth game (consolation card for $200.00) was won by Bradley Lassemba from Waterville (card bought at Dep. Waterville). Thanks to all who bought cards and all the businesses selling cards. Keep playing bingo and listen for some BIG news coming soon!
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For January 16, 2024
Congratulations to all the winners for CJMQ Radio Bingo for January 16th, 2024! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was split between Trudy Tincarre from East Angus (card bought at Dep. East Angus) and Carlie Mosher from Stanstead (card bought at Le Baron in North Hatley). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Kate Samson from Lennoxville (card bought at The Golden Lion). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Sue Magwood from Lennoxville (card bought at Clarke & Sons). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was split between Cortney Burnham from Waterloo (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville) and Sylvie Turmel from Bury (card bought at Dep. Bury General Store). Thanks to all who bought cards and all the businesses selling our cards.
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For January 9, 2024
Congratulations to all the radio bingo winners for January 9, 2024. The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Patrick Rawding from Richmond (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Sue Batley from Waterville (card bought at ANAF The Hut). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Bruneau Roy from St. Malo (card bought at CPL LaChance in Sawyerville). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was won by Brittany Boutin from Sherbrooke (card bought at Petro Lennoxville). A big thanks to all who bought cards and all the businesses selling our cards.
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For January 2, 2024
Congratulations to the CJMQ radio bingo winners for January 2, 2024! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was split between Jeanniene Bibeau from Lennoxville (card bought at Jean Coutu Lennoxville) and Josh Bronson from Stanstead (card bought at Marche Traditions). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Emily Bullock from Compton (card bought at Dep. Waterville). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Patrick Rawding from Richmond (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was won by Phillippe Buzzell from Waterville (card bought at Dep. Waterville). Thanks to all who bought cards and to all the businesses selling our cards.
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For December 26, 2023
Congratulations to all the CJMQ radio bingo winners for December 26, 2023! The fist game (straight line for $200.00) was shared between Terry Johnston from Richmond (card bought at Marche Richmond) and Trevor McKinven from North Hatley (card bought at Accomodation General Store North Hatley). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Carol Chute from North Hatley (card bought at Club Profil). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Bonnie Rourke from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was won by Kathleen Martel from Lennoxville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville). Thanks to all who bought cards and all the businesses selling cards.
Radio Bingo Winners for Dec. 19, 2023
Congratulations to all the winners of tonight s bingo, Dec. 19, 2023! The first game (straight line for $250.00) was Adam Laberee from Sherbrooke (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville), Carol Davidson from Ayer s Cliff (card bought at Accomodation Massawippi in Ayer s Cliff), Drew Henkel from Sherbrooke (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville) and Tracie Dougherty from Lennoxville (card bought at Golden Lion). The second game (BNO for $350.00) was won by Nancy Kerr from Cookshire (card bought at IGA Cookshire). The third game (full card for $550.00) was won by Kevin Groves from Lennoxville (card bought at Golden Lion). The fourth game (consolation full card for $250.00) was won by Christine Raymond from Waterville (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre) and Cheryl Duncan from Lennoxville (card bought at Golden Lion). The winner of the candle (donated by Jen Young of Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre and the gift certificate for $40.00 donated by Pharmacy Jean Coutu in Lennoxville was Danielle Champigny. The winner of the 2 tickets for the brunch at The Hut was Amanda Bailey. The winner of the cake donated by Lorraine s Bakery was Bonnie Rourke. Thanks to all who played and all the businesses selling our cards. For Christmas, we added an extra $50.00 to each game.
Townships At Twelve For Dec. 19, 2023
Tune in on Dec. 19th at noon for another segment of The Townships At Twelve with host, Maureen Dillon Teasdale. In the first half hour, Paul McLean, one of the leaders of the Hope Community Church, will be interviewed. Paul will talk about the candlelight service on the 24th and the Christmas dinner on the 25th, as well as, some projects in mind for 2024. In the second half hour, Francois Gilbert is interviewed. Francois will talk about the Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation and about a New Year s Eve party at the Hut to raise money for the foundation. There will also be some announcements for community events, some health news, and music. The show will be repeated on Wednesday, Dec. 20th, at noon.
December 12, 2023 Radio Bingo Winners
Congratulations to all the radio bingo winners for Dec. 5, 2023! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Hayley Harrison from Cookshire (card bought at IGA Cookshire). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Kevin Burnham from Lennoxville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Samuel Spaulding from Sherbrooke (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre), Penny Sylvester from Waterville (card bought at Dep. Waterville), and Camille Raymond Marshall from Ottawa (card bought at direct sales). The fourth game (full card consolation for $200.00) was won by Jennifer McMullin from Sawyerville (card bought at CPL LaChance), Alyssa MacPherson from Lennoxville (card bought at Golden Lion Pub), Kyra Bourgeois from Waterville (card bought at Familiprix Waterville) and Ricky Weare from Richmond (card bought at Dep. Craig in Richmond). The winner of the turkey was Sandra Gillam and Sandra also won the tickets for the Scott Woods Concert. Our co host this evening was John Page from Val Estrie. Thanks to all who played and to all the businesses selling our cards.
Radio Bingo Winners For Dec. 5, 2023
Congratulations to all the radio bingo winners for Dec. 5, 2023! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Hayley Harrison from Cookshire (card bought at IGA Cookshire). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Kevin Burnham from Lennoxville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Samuel Spaulding from Sherbrooke (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre), Penny Sylvester from Waterville (card bought at Dep. Waterville), and Camille Raymond Marshall from Ottawa (card bought at direct sales). The fourth game (full card consolation for $200.00) was won by Jennifer McMullin from Sawyerville (card bought at CPL LaChance), Alyssa MacPherson from Lennoxville (card bought at Golden Lion Pub), Kyra Bourgeois from Waterville (card bought at Familiprix Waterville) and Ricky Weare from Richmond (card bought at Dep. Craig in Richmond). The winner of the turkey was Sandra Gillam and Sandra also won the tickets for the Scott Woods Concert. Our co host this evening was John Page from Val Estrie. Thanks to all who played and to all the businesses selling our cards.
Radio Bingo Winners For November 28, 2023
Congratulations to all the radio bingo winners for November 28th, 2023! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was split between Jennifer Boyd from Lennoxville (card bought at Golden Lion Pub) and Sue Sarrasin from Waterville (card bought at Clarke & Sons). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was split between Chelsea McMillan from Bury (card bought at Cookshire IGA) and Carter Sager Archer from Orford (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Sebastien Boutin from Lennoxville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was won by Judy DeBoer from Waterville (card bought at Clarke & Sons). Thanks to all businesses selling our cards. And thanks to Marylou from Popeye s Supplement Store for being our co host for the evening.
Radio Bingo Winners For November 21, 2023
Congratulations to the radio bingo winners for November 21st! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Brooklyn Robertson from Lennoxville (card bought at The Golden Lion Pub). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was shared between Bonnie Rourke from Lennoxville (card bought at A.N.A.F. The Hut), Donna Provis from Richmond (card bought at Dep. Craig in Richmond), and Christine Ransom from Lennoxville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Kenzie Poulin from Cornwall (card bought at direct sale). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was shared between Catherine Couillard from Sherbrooke (card bought at The Golden Lion Pub), Adelaide Kezar from Waterville (card bought at Familiprix Waterville), Kimberley Phaneuf from Ayer s Cliff (card bought at Marche Massawippi in Ayer s Cliff), Kayla Turcotte from Sherbrooke (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Center), and Sherry Nielson from Sawyerville (card bought at Dep. CPL LaChance. Thanks to all the people who bought cards and to all the businesses selling our cards. Our co-host tonight was the manager of Pharmacy Jean Coutu of Lennoxville, Richard Kelso.
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For November 14, 2023
Congratulations to all the winners of our radio bingo for November 14th, 2023. The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Stewart McDonald from Lennoxville (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Patrick Rawding from Richmond (card bought at Dep. Craig in Richmond). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Morgan Green from Lennoxville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville). The fourth game (full card consolation for $200.00) was shared between Diane Grenier from East Angus (card bought at Dep. East Angus), Debbie Everett from Cookshire (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville) and John Bennett from Lennoxville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville). Thanks to everyone who bought cards and played and to all the businesses selling our cards.
November 7, 2023 Radio Bingo Winners
Congratulations to the winners of the November 7, 2023 bingo! The first prize ( straight line for $200.00 ) was won by Christine Dohler from Sherbrooke (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville). The second prize (BNO for $300.00) was won by Andrea Westover from St. Elie (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Center). The third prize (full card for $500.00) was won by Sherry Nielsen from Sawyerville (card bought at Dep. CPL LaChance). The fourth prize (consolation full card for $200.00) was won by Robert McVety from Waterville (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville). Our co host this evening was Matthew Sullivan Weir owner of Avant-Gard Barbershop. Matthew donated 2 free haircuts and they were won by Vincent Masse and Jennifer McMullin. Also the winners of the Halloween Photo Bingo Contest were won by Danielle Dumas & Taya Purcell (first prize $100.00) and Sheila Webster (second prize for $50.00). Thanks again to all who bought bingo cards and to all the businesses selling our cards.
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For Oct. 31, 2023
Congratulations to all the October 31st radio bingo winners. The first game (straight line for $200.00 was won by Chantal Champigny from Sherbrooke (card bought at the ANAF The Hut). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Stanley Groves from Lennoxville (card bought at the Golden Lion Pub). The third game (full card for $500.00) was split between Andrienne Dupont from Sherbrooke (card bought at Golden Lion Pub) and Lucie Richard from North Hatley (card bought at Dep. Waterville). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was split between Amber Lee Clifford Williams from Lennoxville (card bought at Golden Lion Pub), Cathy Winget from Lennoxville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville), Diane Grenier from East Angus (card bought at Dep. East Angus), Helen Labrecque from Waterville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford), and Bertrand Charron from Hatley (card bought at Burrough s Falls). Thanks to all who bought cards and played and to all the businesses selling our cards. The concert tickets were won by John Paige. Don t forget to send your photos in costume playing bingo tonight to
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners From October 24th, 2023
Congratulations to all the winners of the October 24, 2023 CJMQ radio bingo! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was split between Caroline Linde from Sherbrooke (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Center) and David Brown from Waterville (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Center). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was split between Annie Vaillancourt from Waterville (card bought at Familiprix Waterville), Tracey Goyette from Stanstead (card bought at Familiprix Stanstead), and Carol Chute from North Hatley (card bought at Club Profil). The third game (full card for $500.00) was split between Rosemarie Bolger Robidas from Canton Hatley (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville), George Martel from Lennoxville (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville), and Terry Beacon from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). The Fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was split between Perry Kelso from Lennoxville (card bought at Jean Coutu Pharmacy in Lennoxville), Catherine Martin from Lennoxville (card bought at Golden Lion Pub), Hendrick Turgeon from Magog (card bought at Dep. CPL LaChance), Sharon Hatch from St. Malo (card bought at Dep. CPL LaChance), Nancy Spalding from Lennoxville (card bought at ANAF The Hut), Bonnie Fowler from Sawyerville (card bought at Dep. CPL LaChance), and Tracey Goyette from Stanstead (card bought at Familiprix Stanstead). Thanks to all who bought cards and played and thanks to all the businesses selling our radio bingo cards. Our co host tonight was Anna from Familiprix Lennoxville. The next CJMQ radio bingo will be on Tuesday, October 31st. Be sure to take a photo of yourself in costume playing radio bingo at home next week and send it to our e-mail at to have a chance to win a cash prize of $100.00 or $50.00. Winners will be chosen and announced on our November 7th bingo. Good luck to all!!
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners From October 17th, 2023 bingo
Congratulations to all the winners of October 17th CJMQ radio bingo! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Ruby Richard from North Hatley (card purchased at Epicerie Le Baron). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Louisette Plante from Dixville (card purchased at Taverne du Gamer in Coaticcook). The third game (full card for $500.00) was split between Dominique Hudon from Lennoxville (card purchased at Golden Lion Pub), James Northcliffe from Sherbrooke (card purchased at Provigo Lennoxville), and Howard McComb from Canton de Hatley (card purchased at Provigo Lennoxville). The fourth game (consolation card for $200.00) was won by Cavi Kaur from Sherbrooke (card purchased at Petro in Lennoxville). Thanks to all who played and all the businesses selling our cards. The co host tonight was Maxim Messier, a real estate broker from REMAX.
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For October 10, 2023
Congratulations to all the winners of October 10, 2023 radio bingo on CJMQ! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Angie Garrou from Val des Sources (card bought at Marche Richmond. The second game (BNO for $300.00) was split between Carter Sager from Orford (card bought at Jean Coutu in Lennoxville) and Georgia Angelopoulos from Stanstead (card bought at Marche Traditions in Stanstead). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Kristopher Robinson from Cookshire (card bought at Familiprix in Lennoxville). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was split between Kathy Bieber from Lennoxville (card bought at Clarke & Sons) and Wendy Kimpton from Stanstead (card bought at Marche Traditions in Stanstead). Thanks to all who played and all the businesses selling our bingo cards. Our special guest tonight was Chris Hornibrook.
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For October 3, 2023
ongratulations to the winners of CJMQ radio bingo for October 3, 2023! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Carol Chute from North Hatley (card bought at Club Profil). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Carolyn Paddington from Richmond (card bought at Marche Richmond). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Annie Vaillancourt from Waterville (card bought at Familiprix Waterville). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was won by Anne Marie Lauzon from Sawyerville (card bought at Dep. CPL LaChance). Thanks to all who purchased cards and played and to all the businesses selling our bingo cards.
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For September 26, 2023
Congratulations to the winners of the September 26, 2023 bingo! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Alyssia Weare from Richmond (card bought at Dep. Craig) and Howard McComb from Canton Hatley (card bought at Dep. Waterville). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Norma Williams from Ayer s Cliff (card bought at Marche Massawippi in Ayer s Cliff). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Sarah Rusfiande from Lennoxville (card bought at The Golden Lion Pub) and Lyne Gregoire from Sherbrooke (card bought at Jean Coutu Lennoxville). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was won by Kelsey Sutton from Lennoxville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville). The special prize of movie tickets was won by Jennifer McMullen. Thanks to all who played and all the businesses selling our cards. Our co hosts tonight were Mary and Lissa from Boutique Encore.
Soup Lunch Benefit
The soup lunches are finally back! You are all invited to St George s Anglican Church, Lennoxville (84 Queen) on Friday, September 29 for a meal of homemade soups, rolls, cheese, and dessert. $10.00 entry. Serving is from 11:00am-1:00pm. Proceeds are in support of the Bicentennial Restoration Fund.
Open House at Grace Village
Open house will be held at the Grace Village on October 30th.
Radio Bingo Winners For September 19, 2023
Congratulations to all the September 19th, 2023 winners! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Josee Dumas from Sherbrooke (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Lorinda Hadley from Lennoxville (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Center). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Paula Laberee from Lennoxville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was won by Kate Samson from Lennoxville (card bought at The Golden Lion). Thanks to all who bought cards and played and to all the businesses selling our cards! The co-host of the night was Bridgette Lambert who is the Executive Director at Grace Village.
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For Sept. 12, 2023
Congratulations to all the winners of September 12th bingo! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Karen Laberee from Sawyerville (card bought at CPL LaChance). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was split between Kathy Mercier from Waterville (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre), Chantal Champigny from Sherbrooke (card bought at Dep. Bury), Julie Nixon from Richmond (card bought at Dep. Craig), and Ronald McPherson from Sherbrooke (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by George McNab from Cookshire (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville). The fourth game (full card consolation was split between Kimberly Phaneuf from Ayer s Cliff (card bought at Marche Massawippi) and Gail Walker from Hatley (card bought at Marche Massawippi). A huge thanks to all who played and all the businesses selling our cards.
Fundraiser Concert
Fundraising concert for Canadian Federation of University Women October 1st at Ste. Elisabeth Church, 3115 Chemin Capleton, North Hatley, 2:00 P.M. featuring the music of Bach, Beethoven etc. . Musicians Erich Kory, Pauline Farrugia, Daniella Bernstein, Douglas Nadler, special guest Jessica Remillard. Tickets $20.00 For Reservations call Janet Watson, 819-820-7628 or Deborah Dimitruk parking..not to be missed!
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For Sept. 5, 2023
Congratulations to the winners for Sept. 5, 2023! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Alexandre Grenier from Newport (Island Brook area) and the card was bought at Dep.CPL LaChance. The second game (BNO for $300) was split between Sylvie Dubois from Sherbrooke (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre) and Penny Wightman from Richmond (card bought at Marche Richmond). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Robert Stickles from St. Malo (card bought at Dep. CPL LaChance). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was split between Marie France Boisvert from Sherbrooke (card bought at Dep. Pee Wee), Nathalie Mcauley from Sherbrooke (card bought at Marche Traditions in Stanstead), Sylvie Turmel from Bury (card bought at Dep. General Bury), Diane Grenier from East Angus (card bought at Dep. East Angus), Johanne Lapointe from Bury (card bought at IGA Cookshire), and Carol Chute from North Hatley (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). The winner of the one month gym pass to the gym Club Profil was Deborah Pegg. Our co-host tonight was Jean Samuel St Gelais from Club Profil in Sherbrooke, A big thanks to all who played and all the businesses selling our cards.
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For August 29, 2023
Congratulations to all the radio bingo winners on August 29th, 2023. The first game (straight line for $200.00) was split between Pamela Rice from Waterville (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre) and Stephanie Bureau from Ayer s Cliff (card bought at Accomodation Massawippi in Ayer s Cliff). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was split between Audrey Bernatchez from Lennoxville (card bought at the Golden Lion Pub), Sharon Hatch from St. Malo (card bought at CPL LaChance), and Karen Laberee from Sawyerville (card bought at CPL LaChance. The third game (full card for $500.00) was split between Ginette Lebel from Coaticook (card bought at Marche Massawippi in Ayer s Cliff) and Donna Hand from Ayer s Cliff (card bought at Marche Massawippi in Ayer s Cliff). The fourth game (consolation full card) was split between Kathy Mercier from Waterville (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre), Kevin Doherty from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford), Glen Ditchburn from Waterville (card bought at Dep. Waterville, Brody Sutton from Lennoxville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville) and Carol Bennett from Lennoxville (card bought at Clarke & Sons). The winner of the vegetable basket donated by Sam Tanguay was Amber Lee Clifford. Thanks to all who played and to all the businesses selling cards!
New Show At Noon Called The Townships at Twelve
CJMQ has a new show called The Townships at Twelve with host Maureen. The show will focus on interviews, news and other information, as well as, lots of music. The fist show will air on Thursday at noon. Maureen will air an interview done by Station Manager, David Teasdale, with the Hon. Marie Claude Bibeau. David will also talk about the CJMQ radio bingo. A new show will air every Tuesday and Thursday and will be repeated on Wednesday and Friday at noon.
Radio Bingo Winners For August 22, 2023
Congratulations to all the CJMQ radio bingo winners tonight! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by David Wright from Canton Hatley (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Elizabeth Savage from Lennoxville (card bought at Golden Lion Pub). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Darien Sequet from Lennoxville (card bought at Golden Lion Pub). The fourth game (full card consolation) was won and split between John Bennet from Lennoxville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville) and Catherine Dougherty from Danville (card bought at Dep. Craig in Richmond). The special prize of a double season pass to the Bishop s football games was won by Milka Mumbesa. And thanks to all the people who bought bingo cards and played and to all the businesses selling our cards. We also would like to thank Stephen Adekolu, professional athlete and actor for being our co host tonight!
Next Bingo August 22, 2023
The next radio bingo will be on Tuesday, August 22 at 7pm! So, get your cards and get ready! Best of luck to all the players! Birthday greetings and shout outs are accepted until 6:30pm the night of bingo.
Radio Bingo Winners For August 15, 2023
The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Wendy Kimpton from Stanstead (card bought at Traditions Stanstead). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was shared between Donna Provis from Richmond (card bought at Dep. Craig in Richmond) and Pierre Statton from Sawyerville (card bought at Dep. CPL LaChance). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Matthew Klinck from Hatley (card bought at Clarke & Sons). The fourth game (consolation full card) was shared between Francine Otis from Ayer s Cliff (card bought at March Massawippi in Ayer s Cliff), Mario Bird from Bury (card bought at Dep. Bury), Beatrice Juby from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford) and Kayla Turcotte from Sherbrooke (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre). The special give a way for tonight was a gift certificate for Pharmacy Jean Coutu in Lennoxville and it was won by Chloe Laroche. Congratulations to all the winners and a big thanks to all who played and to all the businesses selling our cards. Please check our website and not our Facebook as our Facebook is not visible right now due to the government legislation. Time to get your cards for next week.
Next Bing Is Tuesday, August 15th, at 7pm
Our next bingo is on August 15th at 7pm, as usual. Be note that our Facebook page is not working due to the Canadian legislation rules right now. We do not know when it will be open again but please stay tuned to the station as David Teasdale will be interviewing the Hon. Marie Claude Bibeau about this situation. Details to come. Please refer to our website for now about news for bingo and the station in general. To send shout outs and birthday greetings for bingo, please phone us at 819-822-1838 or send us an e-mail at Also we are not online for now (situation is being worked on) so PLEASE use a radio for our bingo nights. Thanks to our listeners for your understanding.
Radio Bingo Winners For August 1, 2023
Congratulations to the radio bingo winners for the week of August 1, 2023! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was split between Helen Labrecque from Waterville (card bought at Provigo) and Isabel Vigneault from Cleveland (card bought at Dep. Craig in Richmond). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was split between Pierrette Goulet from Coaticook (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville) and Pierre Faucher from Sherbrooke (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Trudy McLean from Lennoxville (card bought at Provigo). And the fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was won by Kathy Mercier from Waterville (card bought at Dep. Waterville). Thanks again to all who played and all the businesses selling our cards.
Radio Bingo Winners For August 8, 2023
Congratulations to all the radio bingo winners for August 8, 2023! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Elizabeth Savage from Lennoxville (card bought at The Golden Lion Pub). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Catherine Dougherty from Danville (card bought at Marche Richmond). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Jennifer McMullen from Sawyerville (card bought at CPL LaChance). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was won by Beverly Oakley from Lennoxville (card bought at Jen Coutu Pharmacy in Lennoxville). Brad from Brad s Pizza was our co-host for the night and two gift certificates from his business were won by Amber Nielsen and Joanne Lapointe. Again thanks to all who played and to all the businesses selling our cards!
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For July 25, 2023
Everyone had a great time with radio bingo tonight, July 25, 2023! Congratulations
to all the winners! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was split between Sophia Marchesi from Lennoxville (card bought at the Golden Lion Pub) and Bryan Burns from Rock Forest (card bought at Depanneur Craig in Richmond). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Jeannine Bibeau from Lennoxville (card bought at Jean Coutu in Lennoxville). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Andy Porter from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). The fourth game (full card consolation for $200.00) was split between Rebecca Baard from Lennoxville (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre) and Courtney Burnham from Lennoxville (card bought at Provio Lennoxville). Thanks to all who bought cards and played and to all the businesses selling our cards! Time to pick up your cards for next week.
CJMQ Radio Bingo News For July 18, 2023
nother fun night of radio bingo on this summer evening of July 18th, 2023! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Justin Vintinner from Lennoxville (card bought at Golden Lion Pub) and George Goodwin from Stanstead (card bought at Epicerie Tradition in Stanstead). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Doris Dohler from Sherbrooke (card bought at Petro Lennoxville), Carole Audet from Stanstead (card bought at Taverne du Gamer in Stanstead), and Paula Laberee from Lennoxville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Patsy Westover from South Bolton (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was won by Kayla Turcotte from Sherbrooke (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre) and Elizabeth Churcher from North Hatley (card bought at Epicerie Le Baron in North Hatley). Congratulations
to all the winners ad a big thank you to all who played and to all the businesses selling our cards. Special thanks to Brady Smith from The A.N.A.F. The Hut in Lennoxville for being the co-host this evening and educating us on the Army Navy Air Force and what the organization does and the history of it. Time to purchase your cards for next week!
CJMQ RAdio Bingo Winners For July 11, 2023
It was another fun night of radio bingo on CJMQ for July 11, 2023. The winner of game 1 (straight line for $200.00) was Marilyn Bryant from Austin (card bought at Depanneur Waterville). The winner of game 2 (BNO for $300.00) was split between Keila Bourgeouis from Waterville (card bought at Familiprix Waterville ), Chris McDonald from Lennoxville (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre) and Anne Marie Vallieres from Coaticook (card bought at Taverne du Gamer). The winner of game 3 (full card for $500.00) was won by Penny Lassenba from Waterville (card bought at Depanneur Waterville). The winner of game 4 (full card consolation card for $200.00) was won by Pierrette Goulet from Stanhope (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville). Congratualtions to all the winners! A big thanks to all who played and to all the businesses selling our bingo cards. Do not forget that the cards for next week are on sale all ready! Check the list of businesses selling our cards.
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For July 4, 2023
A great time was had by all with our special bingo to celebrate the Golden Lion Pub s 50th anniversary. Stan Groves, owner of The Golden Lion Pub, was the co-host this evening. The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Lorinda Hadley from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was split between Katherine McLennan from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford) and Kelsey Burnham from Lennoxville (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville). The third game (full card for $500.00) was split between Chantale Champigny from Sherbrooke (card bought at Depanneur Bury) and Joanne Cote from Lennoxville (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was won by Lorraine Smith from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). And the winner of the $50.00 gift certificate donated by The Golden Lion Pub was Charles Roy. CJMQ would like to thank the Golden Lion Pub for this generous gift certificate. Once again, thanks to all who played and to all the businesses selling our cards. Cards for next week s bingo are on sale now!
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For June 27, 2023
Another successful radio bingo for June 27, 2023! The first game ( straight line for $200.00) was won by Jackie L’heureux from North Hatley ( card bought at Clarke & Sons). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Ben Rivett from Lennoxville ( card bought at Marche Massawippi in Ayer s Cliff). The third game ( full card for $500.00) was won by Eva May Sarrasin from Waterville ( card bought at Familiprix Waterville). And the fourth game ( consolation card for $200.00) was won by Amber Nielsen from Saint Malo ( card bought at CPL Lachance in Sawyerville. Congratulations
to all the winners and a big thanks to all who played and all the businesses selling the CJMQ bingo cards.
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For June 20, 2023
Another fun night here at CJMQ s radio bingo! The first game (straight line for $200.00 was split between David Brown from Waterville (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Center) and Joyce Boudreau from Waterville (card bought at Familiprix Waterville). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Deli Berhe from Lennoxville (card bought at Brasserie Golden Lion Pub). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Guy Robillard from Magog (card bought at Accomodation North Hatley General Store). The fourth game (consolation card for $200.00) was won by Annabelle Elliott from Lennoxville (card bought at Brasserie Golden Lion Pub). Congratulations
to all the winners and a big thank you to all who played and all the businesses selling our cards.
Radio Bingo Winners For June 13, 2023
Another successful radio bingo tonight! Game 1 ( straight line for $200.00) was won by Mya Fischer from Lennoxville ( card bought at the Golden Lion Pub). The 2nd game ( BNO for $300.00) was won by Nancy Grey from Waterville ( card bought at Provigo Lennoxville). The 3rd game ( full card for $500.00) was won by Paul Downing from Bury ( card bought at Jean Coutu in Lennoxville). The 4th game ( consolation card for $200.00) was won by Sharon Hatch from St Malo ( card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre). The Father’s Day prize of a cake from Lorraine s Bakery, a gas coupon from Petro and a gift certificate from Brad s Pizza was won by Paul Klinck. Thanks to all who played, all the businesses selling our cards, and to the businesses who donated the prizes! Get ready for next week!
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For June 6, 2023
Congratulations to all the winners of radio bingo tonight (June 6th, 2023). The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Pamela Rice from Waterville (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Center). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Chantale Champigny from Brompton (card bought at A.N.A.F. The Hut). The third game (full card for $500.00) was split between Laura-Lee Menard from East Angus (card bought at Cookshire IGA), Heather Wynne from Ayer s Cliff (card bought at Marche Massawippi in Ayer s Cliff), and Donna Hand from Ayer s Cliff (card bought at Marche Massawippi in Ayer s Cliff). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was won by Mike Weston from Lennoxville (card bought at Depanneur Waterville). A huge thanks to everyone who bought cards and played and to all the businesses selling our radio bingo cards! The cards for next week are now available to purchase. Next week it is our Father s Day bingo and we will have some extra prizes.
Time For Radio Bingo With CJMQ
It is Tuesday once again and what does that mean at CJMQ (The Qube)? It means BINGO NIGHT!! The fun starts again at 7pm! Another $1200.00 will be given away! 4 games! Now, if you have any birthday greetings or shout outs, please get them to me by 6:30pm. Tonight we have Adam calling the balls, Cody answering the phone, and newcomer Ian will be learning the console and, of course, the bingo manager Gordon will be the MC with that infectious laugh! So, get your cards and snacks ready. All businesses selling our cards are listed on our website.
Winners Of The May 30th, 2023 Radio Bingo
Congratulations to the winners of the May 30th bingo! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Robert Roger from Ayer s Cliff (card bought at Marche Massawippi). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was split between Patsy Carriere from Bolton Est (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Center) and Shirley Wright from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Tammy Provis from Richmond (card bought at Marche Richmond). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was won by PIerre Faucher from Sherbrooke (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). Thanks to all who bought cards and played with us this week and thanks to all the businesses selling our cards! Please check out our local shops who sponsor us and support our local businesses. Cards are on sale now for next week s bingo as we go into June.
Winners Of Radio Bingo May 23, 2023
Congratulations to the radio bingo winners for May 23, 2023! The first game (straight line vertical or horizontal for $200.00) was won by Ian Ying Liu from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was split between Leah Lister from Sawyerville (card bought at Golden Lion Pub) and Cathy Chute from Waterville (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Louise Tarfiff from Sawyerville (card bought at Clarke & Sons). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was split between Jean Flowes from Cookshire (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville), Dorothy Gagnon from Ayer s Cliff (card bought at Marche Massawippi), Chantal Champigny from Bromptonville (card bought at A.N.A.F. The Hut), Logan Painter from Lennoxville (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Center), Nathalie Veuilleux from Sawyerville (card bought at Clarke & Sons), and John Walker from Hatley (card bought at Marche Massawippi). The special prize was a gift certificate of $50.00 for Tim Horton s and it was won by Kayla Turcotte. Thanks to all the businesses selling our cards--we have over 30 places now! Thanks to all who bought cards and played! Be sure to get your cards and tune in next Tuesday for more radio bingo fun!
Radio Bingo Winners For May 16, 2023
We had a LOT of winners for radio bingo tonight! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was split between Tricia Smith from Canton de Hatley (card bought at Clarke & Sons) and Cameron Driscoll from Lennoxville (card bought at The Golden Lion Pub). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was split between Annie Vaillancourt from Waterville (card bought at Fmiliprix in Waterville), Andrea Westover from St. Elie (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nurtition Center), Brittany Hamilton from Stanstead (card bought at Marche Traditions in Stanstead), Rebeca Forget Larriviere from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford), Line Bastien from Sherbrooke (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Center), Bradley Lassenba from Waterville (card bought at Depanneur Waterville), Steve Marrotte from Stanstead (card bought at Depanneur Amis Beebe), and Sabrina Lapierre from Magog (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Center). Game Three (full card for $500.00) was split between Andrea Westover from St. Elie (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Center) and Brittan Hamilton from Stanstead (card bought at Marche Traditions in Stanstead). The fourth game (consolation card for $200.00) was won by Susan Wallis from Ayer s Cliff (card bought at Depanneur Amis Beebe). Congratulations to all the winners and a big thanks to all who bought cards and played and to all the businesses selling our cards. Please note that we have three phone lines for bingo and sometimes like tonight we have a lot of people calling in with bingo, so please be patient but persistent. Keep calling and please keep in mind we do not look at our Facebook page while bingo is going on. Next week s cards are available at the businesses now.
Radio Bingo Winners For May 9, 2023
Congratulations to all the winners of the May 9th radio bingo! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Martine Perras from Sawyerville (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Ralph Rourke from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoirOxford). The third game (full card for $500.00) was split between Marc Paxton from Coaticook (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville), Sylvia Fortin from Waterville (card bought at Familiprix Waterville), and Shawn Houle from Stanstead (card bought at Depanneur Beebe). And the fourth game (consolation full card) was won by Carol Davidson from Ayer s Cliff (card bought at Marche Massawippi Ayer s Cliff). Thanks to all the people who bought cards and played and to all the businesses selling our cards. Congratulations to Sylvia Fortin who won the cake from Lorraine s Bakery in Lennoxville (thank you Lorraine Smith) and to Ralph Rourke who won a pair of tickets to the brunch at the A.N.A.F. The Hut (thank you Brady Smith). We have two new businesses selling cards. Welcome Marche Tradition in Stanstead and to Taverne Du Gamer in Coaticook. Time to buy your cards for next week!
Updated List of Businesses Selling CJMQ Bingo Cards
Businesses Selling CJMQ Bingo Cards are:
(NEW) Depanneur Bury
(NEW) Stanstead Famili Prix
(NEW) La Taverne Du Gamer in Stanstead
(NEW) Depanneur Amis Beebee (located in Beebe)
Accomodation Massawippi General Store in North Hatley!
Accommodation 1010 Magog, Magog
Army Navy Air Force A.N.A.F. (The Hut), Lennoxville
Boni Soir Oxford, Lennoxville
Boutique Encore, Lennoxville
Brasserie Le Lion D Or Golden Lion Pub, Lennoxville
Clarke Et Fils Clarke & Sons, Lennoxville
Cookshire IGA
Depanneur C.P.L. LaChance, Sawyerville
Depanneur Craig, Richmond
Depanneur De La Marina, Magog
Depanneur MP Magog
Depanneur Pee Wee on Galt St. ( Sherbrooke)
Depanneur Waterville, Waterville
Epicerie Boucherie Chez Ben, Magog
Epicerie Le Baron, North Hatley
Famili Prix, Lennoxville
Famili Prix, Waterville
Jean Coutu, Lennoxville
Le Centre Nutrition Animale de Estrie Blue Seal
Marche La 5e Saison, Lennoxville
Marche Massawippi, Ayer s Cliff
Marche Richmond, Richmond
Petro, Lennoxville
Profil Club
Provigo, Lennoxville
Ultramar Burrough s Falls
May 2 Raio Bingo Winners
Congratulations to all the winners tonight. The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Penny Tebby from Waterville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Barbara Williams from Waterville (card bought at Familiprix Waterville). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Shirley Wright from Lennoxville (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville). The fourth game (consolation card for $200.00) was split between Trysta Coull from Lennoxville (card bought at Golden Lion Pub), Matthew Klinck from North Hatley (card bought at Cookshire IGA), Juanita Gillam from Cookshire (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre), Monique Racicot from North Hatley (card bought at Accomodation General Store North Hatley), and Ann Gauthier Smith from Sawyerville (card bought at CPL LaChance in Sawyerville). Thanks to all who bought cards and to all the businesses selling cards. We welcome the Bury Depanneur to our list of businesses this week! Next week is our Mother s Day bingo and some lucky winner will win a personalized cake from Lorraine s Bakery in Lennoxville!
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For April 25, 2023
Congratulations to all the winners tonight. The first game (straight line vertical or horizontal for $200.00) was won by Carole Audet from Stanstead (card bought at Taverne du Gamer). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Brian Heath from Lennnoxville (card bought at Boutique Encore). The third game (full card for $500.00) was split between Grace Brooks from Lennoxville (card bought at Golden Lion Pub) and Cassie Doyle from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was split between Annie Vaillancourt from Waterville (card bought at Depanneur Waterville), Patricia Phaneuf Kerr from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford), Ella Bell from Lennoxville (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville), Brady Smith from Lennoxville (card bought at A.N.A.F. The Hut), Steven Brown from Coaticook (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford), and James Hand from Ayer s Cliff (card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre). Thanks to all who played and to all the businesses selling our cards. Be sure to have a radio on hand and do not rely totally on the internet, as we are not responsible for problems with the internet feed. Get ready for next week and on May 9th, we will have a special Mother s Day Bingo where some lucky winner will win a cake from Lorraine s Bakery in Lennoxville.
Radio Bingo Winners For April 18, 2023
Congratulations to all the winners tonight for radio bingo! The first winner (game 1 for $200.00 straight line vertical or horizontal) was Stanley Taylor from Sawyerville (card bought at CPL LaChance). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Doreen Morrisette from Lennoxville (card bought at Lennoxville Provigo). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Lori Shvil from Lennoxville (card bought at Golden Lion Pub). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was split between Gaetane Maclure from Sherbrooke (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville) and David Wright from Canton Hatley (card bought at BonSoir Oxford in Lennoxville). Once again a big thank you to all who bought cards and played and to all the businesses selling our cards! Time to get your cards for next week!
Radio Bingo Winners For April 11, 2023
It was another fun night of bingo at The Qube! Congratulations to tonight s winners! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Ann Redburn from Richmond (card bought at Marche Richmond). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was split between Monica Gaspar from Compton (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville) and Nancy Spalding from Lennoxville (card bought at the A.N.A.F. The Hut). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Nancy Spalding from Lennoxville (card bought at the A.N.A.F. The Hut). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was won by Amanda Goyette from Sawyerville (card bought at Depanneur CPL LaChance). A big thank you to all who bought cards and played and to all the businesses selling the CJMQ radio bingo cards. Please note that we have two new places selling our cards in Stanstead. Welcome Stanstead Familiprix and La Taverne Du Gamer. Join us again next Tuesday for more radio bingo fun.
Radio Bingo Winners For April 4, 2023
We had lots of winners for our Easter Bingo tonight! The first winner of game one (straight line for $200.00) was split between Geraldine Smith from Ayer s Cliff (card bought at Ultramar in Burrough s Falls) and Keosha Warnholtz from Lennoxville (card bought at Clarke & Sons). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Brenda Hodge from Sawyerville (card bought at CPL LaChance). The third game (full card for $500.00) was split between Lise Rodrigue from Lennoxville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville) and France Bergeron from Canton Hatley (card bought at Jean Coutu Lennoxville). The fourth game (consolation card for $200.00) was split between Tina Luce from Waterville (card bought at Blue Seal) and Bonnie Fowler from Sawyerville (card bought at CPL LaChance). And the winner of the huge chocolate bunny was France Bergon! Congratulations to all the winners and a big thank you to all who bought cards and played and to all the businesses selling cards.
Do Not Miss The April 4th Special Easter Radio Bingo
Be sure to pick up your CJMQ bingo cards for our special Easter radio bingo happening on April 4th (Tuesday). We have a special Easter treat donated by Marie-Noël Paré from Depanneur 1010 in Magog! We take all the winners from the night and put their names in a container and one lucky winner from the night will win the 7,350 calorie treat!! Remember: you have to be in to win!!
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For March 28, 2023
Congratulations to all the winners of the March 28th s radio bingo! Brent Sutton was the winner of the first game (straight line for $200.00). And the winning card was bought at Familiprix Lennoxville. Philippe Rodrigue from Lennoxville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville) and Pierre Richard from North Hatley (card bought at Accomodation North Hatley/General Store) shared the prize of $300.00 for the BNO game. The third game (full card for $500.00) was shard between Steven Currie from Lennoxville (card bought at Jean Coutu Lennoxville), Tricia Smith from North Hatley (card bought at Epicerie Le Baron in North Hatley), and Ryan Vintinner from Ayer s Cliff (card bought at Marche Massawippi in Ayer s Cliff). The fourth game (consolation card fro $200.00) was split between Lisa Johnson from Waterville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville) and Deborah Pegg from Lennoxville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville). Once again thanks to all who played radio bingo tonight and all the businesses selling our cards! Join us next week for our special Easter bingo when we will be giving away a very special Easter treat!
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For March 21, 2023
Congratulations to tonight s radio bingo winners! The first game (straight line for $200) was split between Terry Rodell from Lennoxville (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville, Philippe Rodrigue from Lennoxville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville, and Nancy Townsend from Waterville (card bought at Familiprix Waterville). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was split between Emma Spaulding from Cookshire (card bought at Cookshire IGA) and Carole Kerr from Sherbrooke (card bought at Depanneur Pee Wee in Sherbrooke). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Scott Passmore from Waterville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville). The fourth game (consolation card for $200.00) was won by Tara Keats from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). Thanks to all who bought cards and played and to all the businesses selling our bingo cards!
Book Event Sponsored by Black Cat Books
Black Cat Books will be organizing a book event with Author Ann Lambert at The Golden Lion Pub on Saturday, March 25th from 5-7pm. Ann will be doing a reading of her new book titled Whale Fall, the third installment in her murder mystery series set in Quebec and she will also be signing books. All her books are available at Black Cat Books in Lennoxville.
Bishop s University Choir Performs
The Bishop s University Choir will perform in the Centennial Theatre on March 30th at 7:30pm. One show only. Tickets are $35. or $30. for seniors and can be bought at the box office of Centennial Theatre from 1pm to 4pm.
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners From March 14, 2023
We had another very successful and fun bingo tonight! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Shana Mason from Richmond (card bought at March Richmond) The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Marc Boutin from Sherbrooke (card bought at Provigo in Lennoxville). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Brooke Burrows from Cookshire (card bought at Jean Coutu in Lennoxville). The fourth game (consolation card for $200.00) was split between Marie Roy from Sherbrooke (card bought at BonSoir Oxford), Trista Coull from Lennoxville (card bought at the Golden Lion), and Nico Gagne from Sherbrooke (card bought at Clarke & Sons). The winner of the leprechaun couple (special prize for St. Patrick s Day) was won by Nico Gagne. A big thank you to Christine Lane from Boucherie Rene Richard for helping to call the balls tonight. Congratualtions to all the winners and a big thanks to everyone who bought cards and to all the businesses selling cards.
St Patrick s Day Radio Bingo March 14,, 2023
Time again to pick up those CJMQ radio bingo cards! On Tuesday, March 14th, we will be playing a St. Patrick s Day bingo! At the end of game four, you need to stay tuned because we will be giving away this adorable leprechaun couple to one of the lucky bingo winners of the night! We will put the names of all the winners in a hat and draw one name! So you need to stay tuned! Also any birthday wishes, anniversary wishes, or just a shout out! Please get them in today as we are not available to read messages etc. after 6:30pm on bingo night! Any Townships trivia? We love trivia! Again please send your trivia today because we cannot accept any correspondence at the last minute. Good luck everyone!
Pancake Supper
The Eaton Valley chapter 60 Oddfellows group will be holding a pancake supper on Saturday, April 1st in the Sawyerville Catholic Church basement. On the menu: pancakes, eggs, baked beans, sausage, bacon, ham. The first seating is from 4:30 to 5:30 and the second seating is from 5:30 to 6:30. Adults: $20.00, children 6-12: $10.00 and children 5 and under eat for free.
Radio Bingo Winners For March 7, 2023
CJMQ had another great night of radio bingo tonight! Congratulations to five lucky winners! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was won by Sharon Hatch from St. Malo (card bought at Cookshire IGA). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Carol Chisholm from Montreal (card bought at Golden Lion Pub). The third game (full card for $500.00) was split between Susie Lacroix from Stanstead (card bought at March Massawippin in Ayer s Cliff) and Nathalie Nolin from Cookshire (card bought at Cookshire IGA). The fourth game (consolation card for $200.00) was won by Ruby Gallichon from St. Francois (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). A huge thanks to all who bought cards and played and to all the businesses selling cards. Next week will be our St. Patrick s Day bingo.
Radio Bingo Winners For February 28, 2023
A good time was had tonight with radio bingo. We closed the month of February with eleven winners in all! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was split between Linda Tozzi from Lennoxville (card bought at Clarke & Sons), Lorinda Hadley from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford), and Nancy Gleason from Richmond (card bought at Marche Richmond). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Doreen Lloyd from Cookshire (card bought at IGA Cookshire). The third game (full card for $500.00) was split between April Blampied from Cookshire (card bought at Blue Seal) and Jennifer Sullivan (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). The fourth game (consolation card for $200.00) was split between Francine Otis from Ayer s Cliff (card bought at Marche Massawippi in Ayer s Cliff), Helen Walker from Lennoxville (card bought a Blue Seal), Paulette Statton from Bury (card bought at IGA Cookshire), Audrey Hopkins from Canton Hatley (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville), and Steven Wilson from Waterville (card bought at Familiprix Waterville). Congratulations to all the winners and a big thanks to all who played and all businesses selling our bingo cards. And thanks to Cody Gallichon for doing an excellent job at calling the balls. Time to get your cards for next week.
Radio Bingo Has Added 2 New Businesses Selling Cards
Businesses Selling CJMQ Bingo Cards are:

2 New Businesses selling CJMQ radio bingo cards are Depanneur Pee Wee on Galt Street in Sherbrooke and also Ultramar Burrough s Falls.

Accomodation Massawippi General Store in North Hatley!
Accommodation 1010 Magog, Magog
Army Navy Air Force A.N.A.F. (The Hut), Lennoxville
Boni Soir Oxford, Lennoxville
Boucherie Rene Richard, St. Catherine de Hatley
Boutique Encore, Lennoxville
Brasserie Le Lion D Or Golden Lion Pub, Lennoxville
Clarke Et Fils Clarke & Sons, Lennoxville
Cookshire IGA
Depanneur C.P.L. LaChance, Sawyerville
Depanneur Craig, Richmond
Depanneur De La Marina, Magog
Depanneur MP Magog
Depanneur Waterville, Waterville
Epicerie Boucherie Chez Ben, Magog
Epicerie Le Baron, North Hatley
Famili Prix, Lennoxville
Famili Prix, Waterville
Jean Coutu, Lennoxville
Le Centre Nutrition Animale de L Estrie Blue Seal
Marche La 5e Saison, Lennoxville
Marche Massawippi, Ayer s Cliff
Marche Richmond, Richmond
Petro, Lennoxville
Profil Club
Provigo, Lennoxville
Two New Places To Buy Bingo Cards
We are pleased to announce two new places to buy your CJMQ bingo cards! For those of you in Sherbrooke, you can now purchase our bingo cards at Depanneur Pee Wee on Galt West in Sherbrooke. And for those in the Burrough s Falls area, you can now purchase your cards at Ultramar Burrough s Falls.
North Hatley Curling Club Fundraiser Supper
The North Hatley Curling Club will be having a fundraising spaghetti supper on Friday, Feb. 24th from 5pm to 8pm. This a fundraiser to support the juniors who are going to the jeu du Quebec Competition next week. Everyone is welcome. reserve on the curling club Facebook page.
Radio Bingo Winners For February 21, 2023
It was another fun bingo night at CJMQ! The first game (straight line) for $200.00) was split between Pat Leonard from Lennoxville (card bought at Familiprix in Lennoxville) and Jason Smith from Magog (card bought at Accomodation 1010 in Magog). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Nick Luce from Waterville (card bought at Provigo in Lennoxville). The third game (full card for $500.00) was split between Anglea McCallum from Sherbrooke (card bought at Blue Seal) and Donna Smith from Richmond (card bought at Depanneur Craig in Richmond). The fourth game (consolation card for $200.00) was split between Andrea Westover from St. Elie (card bought at Blue Seal) and Samm Tanguay from Sawyerville (card bought at Depanneur CPL Lachance in Sawyerville). A big thank you to all who bought cards and played and to all the businesses selling cards! A big thanks to Daniel Coulombe (host of The Friday Drive and one of the hosts on the weekend Hit Oldies) for being a guest on tonight s bingo and calling the ball in French. And thanks to Andrew Calder for being a guest and doing jokes and trivia on tonight s bingo. And a big thanks to Gordon Smith for doing double duty on tonight s bingo. Gordon was the MC and also called the balls in English. Time to get your cards for next week s bingo when we close out the month of February! We have two new places to get your bingo cards: the gas station/ depanneur in Burrough s Fall and Depanneur Pee Wee on Galt Street in Sherbrooke.
Next Bingo Is Tuesday, February 21st at 7pm
Do not forget to pick up your bingo cards for this week s bingo (Tuesday, February 21st at 7pm). We have four games every week and give away $1200.00 each week! If you have some birthday greetings or anniversary greetings or just want to give a shout out to a friend or family member, please pm me (please keep in mind no messages will be read after 6:30pm on Tuesday night as we will be busy setting up and getting ready to run the bingo). Also if you send in jokes, please be careful that they are in good taste and not offensive to any group of people. And we accept trivia--love trivia, especially having to do with the Eastern Townships. Finally, once the bingo starts, please call only if you think you have bingo! No calls for jokes etc. during the bingo. Good luck tomorrow night!
St Pat s Society Activities
Richmond St. Patrick s Society
Press Release
For Immediate Distribution
Richmond s Irish Heritage Festival Returns
Come Celebrate with Us!
Richmond, Quebec - February 23, 2023. The Richmond St. Patrick s Society is happy to announce a great
line-up for this year s Irish Heritage Festival. This month-long festival, created with the support of its
partners and sponsors, will have a full roster of activities for everyone to enjoy. These include live music,
storytelling, art and heritage events, and the ever-popular parade!
The festivities will kick off on March 4 and will continue until March 26.
March 4 and 26: Stories of Irish immigrants, with guest Isabelle Gosselin playing Irish traditional musi
and Woodworking with hand-tools demo-workshop.
March 4: Corned Beef Supper
March 10: Road to Connelly show at Richmond Regional High School
March 17: Piano and Voice Concert with musician Erin Maloney
March 18: Celtic Celebration Live!, the traditional St. Patrick’s Day Show at the Centre d art de Richmond
featuring Celtic band Solstice with opening act - Slainte Mhaithe -stories and music from here
March 19: A day-long celebration with activities for all ages: Irish Music Concert with Erin Maloney (Pipe
organ), Adam Charette-Côté (Trumpet); Open Air Bandstand Show with music and dance, Art Show at
Bureau d accueil du Pays de l ardoise; the ever-popular St. Patrick s Day Parade and the after the parade
Trad Dance.
March 22: Tea and Talk - Readings in Irish Canadian Literature with Senior Wellness Wednesdays
March 26: St. Patrick’s Society Brunch
March 26: Tribute to the Irish: local artists celebrating in music, song and stories.
Many events are free. Donations are graciously accepted.
“The Festival is a grand opportunity to celebrate our shared heritage! We can’t wait to welcome you.
Erika Lockwood, Richmond Saint Patrick s Society s president
To learn more about this year’s Irish Heritage Festival, visit the St. Patrick s Society website:
Richmond s Irish Heritage Festival is made possible thanks to financial support from the Government of
Canada, as well as sponsors and partners, including the Centre d art de Richmond, and the
municipalities of Cleveland, Melbourne, and Richmond and local organizations.
Radio Bingo Winners For February 14th, 2023
We had a great Valentine s Day bingo! The first game (1 line for $200.00) was split between Beverly Keeble from North Hatley (card bought at Accomodation Massawippi General Store in North Hatley) and Ken Porter from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford ). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Emily Phaneuf from Waterville (card bought at Marche Massawippi in Ayer s Cliff). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Francine Otis from Ayer s Cliff (card bought at Marche Massawippi in Ayer s Cliff). The fourth game (consolation card for $200.00) was split between Dennis Keenan from Lennoxville (card bought at Brasserie Golden Lion Pub in Lennoxville) and June Hodge from Sawyerville (card bought at Depanneur CPL Lachance in Sawyerville). Congratualation to all the winners and a big thank you to everyone who bought cards and played and to all the businesses selling cards. Thank you to Cody Gallichon for calling the balls tonight and guests Richard Kelso from Pharmacy Jean Coutu and to Lawrence Belanger.
Special Valentine s Day Bingo on Feb. 14th, 2023
It is a Valentine s Day Radio Bingo Night at CJMQ on February 14th at 7pm!! Get your cards!! We will be giving away some extra surprises to the winners!! We cannot wait for the fun to start!! The complete list of businesses selling our bingo cards is on our Facebook page and on our web page. Any birthdays, anniversaries, or if you just want to wish a loved one a Happy Valentine s Day, send a pm to this account!
Presentation Called Water For Life
A presentation called Water For Life A Human Powered Journey by Yannick Daoudi Ph.D Director and Founder of Inspiraction Foundation. The presentation will talk place on Monday, February 20th at 7pm at the Salle Alfred Desrochers Cegep de Sherbrooke. Tickets are $6.00 apiece. For tickets contact Francois Roy at or call 819 564 6350 ex. 4483.
New Show With Isaac Shane
A new show called Today s Hits can now be heard on Thursday nights at 7pm. Isaac Shane is the host and he will play the latest, most popular hits for you.
We Need Your Time And Support
Attention all listeners of CJMQ 88.9 FM! Do you enjoy the shows, the radio bingo nights, and having a local English voice on the dial? We need your support so please give us a few minutes of your time. Because of Covid-19, CJMQ is having its annual general meeting on line again this year. So please take a minute to check out our online annual general meeting. Http://AGM.CJMQ.FM Find out what has been happening at your local English radio station this year and what is in store. If you are a member (membership is free), you also get a vote.
A New Show Called Unheard Voices
CJMQ introduces a new show. Unheard Voices with Carolanne can be heard every Monday at 11am and is repeated on Wednesday at 7pm and on Friday at 1pm. The show is of a political nature and reports both Canadian and international news and how it relates to our population in the Eastern Townships. A main goal of the show is to recognize inequalities in our societies.
Winners Of Radio Bingo on February 7th, 2023
The results are in for CJMQ s radio bingo of February 7th, 2023! The first game (one line for $200.00) was won by Cindy Beland from Waterville (card purchased at Provigo Lennoxville). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was split between Courtney Anderson Stubbert from Lennoxville (card bought at Petro Lennoxville), Gary Taylor from Cookshire (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford), Adam Coates from Compton (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville), and Peter Statton from Sawyerville (card bought at Depanneur CPL Lachance in Sawyerville). The third game (full card for $500.00) was split between Gary Taylor from Cookshire (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford), Sam Tanguay from Sawyerville (card bought at Cookshire IGA), and Peter Statton (card bought at Depanneur CPL Lachance Sawyerville). The fourth game (consolation card for $200.00) was split between Nancy Grey from Waterville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville) and Bree Choquette from Compton (card bought at ANAF The Hut). Congratulations to all the winners! A big thank you to all who purchased cards and played and to all the businesses selling cards. Next week we will be celebrating Valentine s Day since the next radio bingo is on February 14th! So, we will have some extra treats for next week s winners!! Get your cards right away!!
Workshops From Mental Health Estrie

On Wednesday, February 22nd, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., we are thrilled to be hosting Dr. Xavier Amador for a workshop titled “I AM NOT SICK, I Don’t Need Help! How to Help Someone Accept Treatment.” Dr. Amador is an internationally renowned clinical psychologist, author of several books and published clinical research on schizophrenia & bipolar (among other disorders), founder of The LEAP (Listen-Empathize-Agree-Partner) Institute, CEO of the Henry Amador Center on Anosognosia, and family caregiver to two relatives with mental illness.
Please call Emily for information or to register at 819 565 2388.

A CFUW Event
The Canadian Federation of University Women, Sherbrooke & District will be holding a Valentine s Tea on Tuesday, February 14 at Hope Church (basement entrance), 102 Queen St., Lennoxville. The public is invited to hear our speaker, Rachel Garber at 1:30. Her topic will be “The Townships Sun Story” She will talk about some of the discoveries she made going through almost 50 years of old Townships Sun pages, and during her past year as its editor. What is the role of a non-profit community magazine during tumultuous times.

Please join us for this very interesting talk. Admission is free!

Radio Bingo Winners For January 31st, 2023
We had a very busy radio bingo night this evening with lots of winners! The first game (one line for $200.00) was split between Andrea Westover from St. Elie (card bought at Blue Seal), Rita Gagnon from Ascot Corner (card bought at BoniSoir Oxvord), Priscilla Mason Gosselin from Richmond (card bought at Depanneur Craig in Richmond), Joe Hamel from Sawyerville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville), Shawna Gerome from Lennoxville (card bought at Petro in Lennoxville), Steward McDonald from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford), Cathy Anderson from Lenooxville (card bought at Petro Lennoxville), Pat Leonard from Lennoxville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville), Johanne Lepointe from Bury (card bought at Blue Seal), and Nick Luce from Waterville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville). That is ten winners for the first game!! The second game (BNO for $300.00) was split between Ashley Mills from Ayer s Cliff (card bought at Marche Massawippi in Ayer s Cliff) and Johanne Lapointe from Bury (card bought at Blue Seal). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Johanne Lapointe from Bury (card bought at Blue Seal). The fourth game (full card consolation for $200.00) was won by Doris Dohler from Sherbrooke (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). Congratulations to all the winners! And a big thank you to all who bought cards and played and all the businesses selling our cards. We want to thank Christine Lane from Boucherie Renee Richard for calling the balls tonight! Next week s bingo cards are on sale all ready!
Radio Bingo Winners For January 24, 2023
Congratulations to tonight s radio bingo winners (January 24th, 2023)! The first game for one line ($200.00) was won by Nick Luce from Waterville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville). The second game for BNO ($300.00) was split between Florence Ruel from Lennoxville (card bought at Golden Lion Pub) and Adam Buzzel from Sherbrooke (card bought at Boucherie Renee Richard). The third game for full card ($500.00) was won by Shawn Bennett from Ogden (card bought at Marche Massawippi Ayer s Cliff). And the fourth game for consolation full card ($200.00) was won by Tanya Lassemba from Sawyerville (card bought at Depanneur CPL Lachance in Sawyerville). Thanks to Christine Lane from Boucherie Renee Richard for calling the balls tonight. And a big thank you to all who bought cards and played and to all the businesses selling our radio bingo cards! Cards for next week s bingo are on sale now!
NEXT Radio bingo is on January 24th at 7pm!
Do not be left out without a bingo card for tomorrow s CJMQ radio bingo game!! Everybody loves winning CASH$$$!! The next game starts at 7pm on January 24th! $1200.00 will be won! All businesses selling cards are listed on our Facebook page and on our website. If you have any birthday greetings, be sure to get them in by tomorrow afternoon! Also we would like to feature photos of anyone playing our bingo, so please send those in a pm message. We would love to feature them on our Facebook page!
Radio Bingo Winners For January 17th, 2023
Another fun bingo night at CJMQ! Congratulations to all the winners tonight! The first game (1 line for $200.00 ) was split between Sandra Allaire from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford) and Ann Emilie Labbe from Lennoxville (card bought at Jean Coutu in Lennoxville). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was won by Robin Coleman from Cookshire (card bought at Cookshire IGA). The third game (full card for $500.00) was split between Kathy Mercier from Waterville (card bought at Blue Seal) and Debby Peetam from Sherbrooke (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). The fourth game (consolation full card) was split between July Williams from Waterville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford) and Susie Lacroix from Stanstead (card bought at Marche Massawippi in Ayer s Cliff). A big thanks to everyone who bought cards and played and to all the businesses selling our bingo cards! Special guests tonight were Sinnie, manager at Petro, and Richard Kelso from Jean Coutu Pharmacy in Lennoxville. Get your cards now for next week!
Radio Bingo On January 17th, 2023
It is radio bingo again tomorrow night (Jan. 17th) at 7pm! Birthday wishes and jokes welcome until early Jan. 17th afternoon. Only jokes suitable for radio will be considered. All businesses selling our cards are listed on our Facebook page and on our website. Good luck to all and thanks!!
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners From January 10, 2023
Congratulations to all the radio bingo winners of January 10th s games! The first game ( 1 line for $200.00) was won by Juanita Gillam from Cookshire (card bought at Blue Seal). The second game (BNO for $300.00) won by Jeff Pauw from Sherbrooke (card bought at Blue Seal). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Cathy Winget (card bought at Clarke & Sons). The fourth game (consolation full card) was won by Helen Walker from Lennoxville (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville). The gift certificate donated by Petro was won by Susan Spaulding. A big thanks to all who bought cards and played! And thanks to all the businesses selling our cards! A special thanks to Andrew from Accomodation Massawippi General Store in North Hatley for being our special guest this evening. Bingo cards for January 17 are on sale now.
Suicide Prevention And Awareness Walk
Suicide Prevention and Awareness Walk on the 11th of February, 2023 during National Suicide Prevention Week in Lennoxville at Optimist Parc from 1 to 3 pm. This will be Champlain College s second year hosting the walk lead by Jessie Sutherland and her fellow classmates in the Special Care Counselling Program.
Prize Winners Please Come For Your Prize
The following people have not picked up their prizes won on the CJMQ radio bingo night, these are prizes and not bingo checks. Please come to pick up your prize on Saturdays and Sundays ONLY between the hours of 10am and 2pm at 3355 College St. in Lennoxville.
Todd Clark
Corrine Bobbitt
Larry Rosebush
Angel Rowsell
Sonya Audet
Shanna Jerome
Brooklyn Roy
James Bellamd
Adam Coates
Carol Paxton
Karen Rand
Winners of Radio Bingo For January 3rd, 2023
Congratulations to all the winners of tonight s bingo! The first game (1 line for $200.00) was won by Suzanne Perron from St. Malo (card bought at Depanneur CPL Lachance in Sawyerville). The second game (BNO for $300.00) was split between Becky Murray from Lennoxville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville), Steven Brown from Lennoxville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville) and Samm Tanguay from Sawyerville (card bought at CPL Lachance in Sawyerville). The third game (full card for $500.00) was won by Ella Bell from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir in Lennoxville). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was won by Roseanne Mason from Richmond (card bought at Depanneur Craig in Richmond). A special prize of a $25.00 gift certificate from Subway Restaurant was won by Karen Rand and we would like to say a big thanks to special guest, Matt, from the Lennoxville Vocational Institute. A huge thanks to all the people who buy our radio bingo cards and play and to all the businesses in the Townships selling our cards!! Time to buy your cards for next week s bingo on January 10th!!
First Radio Bingo Of 2023! Tuesday January 3rd at 7pm!
oin us on January 3rd at 7pm and celebrate the NEW YEAR with us for our first radio bingo of 2023!! Purchase your Radio Bingo Cards at the following

New Business Selling CJMQ Bingo Cards is Accomodation Massawippi General Store in North Hatley!

Accommodation 1010 Magog, Magog
Army Navy Air Force A.N.A.F. (The Hut), Lennoxville
Boni Soir Oxford, Lennoxville
Boucherie Rene Richard, St. Catherine de Hatley
Boutique Encore, Lennoxville
Brasserie Le Lion D Or Golden Lion Pub, Lennoxville
Clarke Et Fils Clarke & Sons, Lennoxville
Cookshire IGA
Depanneur C.P.L. LaChance, Sawyerville
Depanneur Craig, Richmond
Depanneur De La Marina, Magog
Depanneur MP Magog
Depanneur Waterville, Waterville
Epicerie Boucherie Chez Ben, Magog
Epicerie Le Baron, North Hatley
Famili Prix, Lennoxville
Famili Prix, Waterville
Jean Coutu, Lennoxville
Le Centre Nutrition Animale de L Estrie Blue Seal
Marche La 5e Saison, Lennoxville
Marche Massawippi, Ayer s Cliff
Marche Richmond, Richmond
Petro, Lennoxville
Profil Club
Provigo, Lennoxville
Reminder to Radio Bingo Prize Winners
Just a reminder: those who have won bingo and/or those who won prizes can pick up their winnings ONLY on Saturdays and Sundays between the hours of 10am and 2pm. Please ring the door bell at 3355 College in Lennoxville. Please bring some ID and if you are a bingo winner, you also need to bring your winning card. Again thanks to all who buy our radio bingo cards and play! The next bingo is on January 3rd (Tuesday) at 7pm. First bingo of the new year!!
Radio Bingo Winners For Dec. 27, 2022
Thanks to all who played radio bingo tonight. We have many winners! The first game (straight line for $200.00) was split between Andrea Westover from St. Elie (card bought at Blue Seal), Zachary Desosses from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford), and Karen Rand from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford). The second game (BNO)for $300.00 ) was split between Linda Hoy from Cookshire (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville) and Monetta Gallichon from Lennoxville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville). The third game ( full card for $500.00) was won by Valeri Coutu from St. Claude (card bought at Depanneur Craig Richmond). The fourth game (consolation full card for $200.00) was split between Kyle Gilies from Lennoxville (card bought at BoniSoir Oxford), Linda Harvey from Nova Scotia (card bought at Blue Seal), Donna Hand from Ayer s Cliff (card bought at Marche Massawippi Ayer s Cliff), and Sylvain Dubois from Stanstead (card bought at Marche Massawippi Ayer s Cliff). Congratulations to all the winners! The mystery prize was a gift certificate from Tim Horton s and was won by Carol Paxton. A big thanks to all businesses selling our bingo cards! Get your cards for next week, they are on sale NOW! Radio bingo happens every Tuesday at 7pm at CJMQ 88.9 FM.
Special Radio Bingo On Dec. 20th at 7pm
It is a special Christmas radio bingo night on CJMQ 88.9 FM on Tuesday, December 20th at 7pm!! We are giving away $1600.00 this week for our special Christmas bingo! That is an extra $100.00 added to each game! This week only!! And lots of give a ways from many of the businesses selling our cards! Do not miss it! Get your cards today from our list of local businesses selling our cards.
Radio Bingo Winners For December 13th, 2022
Congratulations to all the winners of tonight s radio bingo! The first game for $200.00 was split between June Hodge from Sawyerville (card bought at CPL LaChance in Sawyerville) and Nicole Littlejohn from Lennoxville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville). The second game for $300.00 was won by Penny Lassenba from Waterville (card bought at Marche Massawippi in Ayer s Cliff). The third game for $500.00 was split between Joanne Lapointe from Bury (card bought at Blue Seal), Pierre Faucher from Sherbrooke (card bought at Boni Soir in Lennoxville), and Stewart McDonald from Lennoxville (card bought at Boni Soir in Lennoxville). The fourth game for $200.00 was split between Juanita Patton from Cookshire (card bought at Blue Seal), Lorinda Hadley from Lennoxville (card bought at A.N.A.F. The Hut), and Annie Vaillancourt from Waterville (card bought at Familiprix Waterville). A huge thanks to all the businesses selling our cards! Again Blue Seal sold the most cards! And the businesses selling the most winning cards was split between Blue Seal and Boni Soir Lennoxville. Thanks to everyone who bought cards and played!! Finally, a big thank you to our bingo team: Gordon Smith (bingo manager and MC), Cody Gallichon for running the bingo machine and calling out the balls, David Teasdale (CJMQ s Station Manager and the technician for bingo night). Get your cards right away for next week because all games will be raised $100.00 next week for our special Christmas Bingo!! Plus we will have give-a-ways from a lot of the local businesses who sell our cards!! Don t miss it!! Mark December 20th in your calendars!!
Businesses Selling CJMQ Radio Bingo Cards

Accommodation 1010 Magog, Magog

Accomodation Massawippi General Store in North Hatley

Army Navy Air Force A.N.A.F. (The Hut), Lennoxville

Boni Soir Oxford, Lennoxville

Boucherie Rene Richard, St. Catherine de Hatley

Boutique Encore, Lennoxville

Brasserie Le Lion D Or Golden Lion Pub, Lennoxville

Clarke Et Fils Clarke & Sons, Lennoxville

Cookshire IGA

Depanneur C.P.L. LaChance, Swwyerville

Depanneur Craig, Richmond

Depanneur De La Marina, Magog

Depanneur MP Magog

Depanneur Waterville

Epicerie Boucherie Chez Ben, Magog

Epicerie Le Baron, North Hatley

Famili Prix, Lennoxville

Famili Prix, Waterville

Jean Coutu, Lennoxville

Le Centre Nutrition Animale de L Estrie Blue Seal

Marche La 5e Saison, Lennoxville

Marche Massawippi, Ayer s Cliff

Marche Richmond, Richmond

Petro, Lennoxville

Profil Club

Provigo, Lennoxville
Next CJMQ Radio Bingo Is Deceber 13th at 7pm
Tuesday evenings are BINGO evenings at CJMQ! We are the "HOME OF THE BINGO!!" 7pm for Radio Bingo! $1200.00 will be given away!! Do not miss it! Get your cards today, if you have not all ready! Businesses selling cards are listed on our Facebook page and on our website! Get your bingo cards and your snacks and your radio! And...we have a special announcement that we will share with everyone after the bingo tomorrow night.
CJMQ Radio Bingo Winners For December 6, 2022
Thanks to all who played radio bingo tonight. There are quite a few winners from tonight. Brittney McCallum from Sherbrooke won $200.00 and she bought her card at Blue Seal. Emma Kingsley from Cookshire won $300.00 and she bought her card at Depanneur CPL LaChance in Sawyerville. Angela McCallum from Sherbrooke won $500.00 and she bought her card at Blue Seal. The last prize for $200.00 was split between Gail Bowen from North Hatley, Rebecca Forget Larriviere from Lennoxville, Kayla Turcotte from Sherbrooke, and Andrew Calder from Lennoxville. Gail bought her card at Familiprix in Waterville. Rebecca bought her card at Blue Seal. Kayla bought her card at Blue Seal. And Andrew bought his card at Marche Massawippi in Ayer s Cliff. Congratulations to all the winners!! A big thank you to all the businesses selling CJMQ bingo cards! The business selling the most cards was Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Center this week! Angela McCallum was the big winner! Get ready for next Tuesday!!
New Years Eve Party at The Hut
Eric Mackeage Memorial Annual - New Year s Eve Party - Dinner followed by a Dance with Slightly Haggard at A.N.A.F. Unit #318 (a.k.a. "The Hut") 300 St-Francis Street, Sherbrooke.

Tickets available NOW at A.N.A.F. Unit #318 (The Hut) and Clarke & Sons - Limited tickets available, so get your tickets now.

Dinner & Dance Tickets: $50/person (Dinner starts at 6:30 pm)

Dance Ticket Only: $20/person (Dance starts at 9:30 pm)


All 18+ are welcome.
Next Radio Bingo Is Tuesday December 6, 2022: Get Cards At
Accommodation 1010 Magog, Magog

Army Navy Air Force A.N.A.F. (The Hut), Lennoxville

Boni Soir Oxford, Lennoxville

Boucherie Rene Richard, St. Catherine de Hatley

Boutique Encore, Lennoxville

Brasserie Le Lion D Or Golden Lion Pub, Lennoxville

Clarke Et Fils Clarke & Sons, Lennoxville

Club Profile Club

Depanneur C.P.L. LaChance, Swwyerville

Depanneur Craig, Richmond

Depanneur De La Marina, Magog

Depanneur MP Magog

Depanneur Waterville

Epicerie Boucherie Chez Ben, Magog

Epicerie Le Baron, North Hatley

Famili Prix, Lennoxville

Famili Prix, Waterville

Jean Coutu, Lennoxville

Le Centre Nutrition Animale de L Estrie Blue Seal

Marche La 5e Saison, Lennoxville

Marche Massawippi, Ayer s Cliff

Marche Richmond, Richmond

Petro, Lennoxville

Provigo, Lennoxville

Fine Arts Students Hold Open House At Bishop s University
From Friday December 9th to Sunday, December 11th, the Fine Arts Department invites you to the Molson Building for its end-of-semester Open House to see what the fine arts students have been working on!

This is a great opportunity to look around the studios, meet the students, and view a variety of works in Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Photography, Artists Books (made with handmade paper), and more!

Opening Hours are 1–6 p.m. every day for three consecutive days.

The event is free and welcome to all. If you would like to be shown around by a member of our Department, please email

CJMQ November 29th Bingo Winners
CJMQ thanks everyone who bought bingo cards and played last night (Nov. 29th, 2022).

We had two winners for the first game for $200.00. The money was split between Cathy Chute from Waterville (card bought at Depanneur Waterville) and June Hodge from Sawyerville (card bought at Blue Seal). The second game for $300.00 was split between Shannon Lacroix from Lennoxville (card bought at Blue Seal), Colleen Matthews from Compton (card bought at The Hut) and Garth Winfield from Magog (card bought at Familiprix Lennoxville) The third game for $500.00 was won by Matt McCrea from Lennoxville (card bought at Boni Soir Oxford). The last game for $200.00 was won by Catherine McLallan from Lennoxville (card bought at Provigo Lennoxville).

A big thank you to all businesses selling CJMQ bingo cards! Bingo cards for the next bingo (December 6th) are on sale all ready! Check the list of businesses on our Facebook page and on our website to find out where to buy the cards. $1200.00 given away every Tuesday at 7pm!!

The special guest for the evening was Marie Pierre from Provigo in Lennoxville.

New Years Eve Party
Loisirs Sawyerville is organizing a New Years Eve party with a live band called The Country Swingers. The event will take place in the Catholic church basement. Pot luck supper. Tickets are $20.00. Please contact Martine at 819 553 8500 for tickets and information.
Updated List of Businesses Selling CJMQ Bingo Cards
Accommodation 1010 Magog, Magog

Army Navy Air Force A.N.A.F. (The Hut), Lennoxville

Boni Soir Oxford, Lennoxville

Boucherie Rene Richard, St. Catherine de Hatley

Boutique Encore, Lennoxville

Brasserie Le Lion D Or Golden Lion Pub, Lennoxville

Clarke Et Fils Clarke & Sons, Lennoxville

Club Profile Club

Depanneur C.P.L. LaChance, Swwyerville

Depanneur Craig, Richmond

Depanneur De La Marina, Magog

Depanneur MP Magog

Depanneur Waterville

Epicerie Boucherie Chez Ben, Magog

Epicerie Le Baron, North Hatley

Famili Prix, Lennoxville

Famili Prix, Waterville

Jean Coutu, Lennoxville

Le Centre Nutrition Animale de L Estrie Blue Seal

Marche La 5e Saison, Lennoxville

Marche Massawippi, Ayer s Cliff

Marche Richmond, Richmond

Petro, Lennoxville

Provigo, Lennoxville

CJMQ Radio Bing Winners For November 22nd, 2022
CJMQ had a great time with radio bingo last night, November 22nd! And here are the winners from last night s bingo! The first game for $200.00 was won by Kate Samson from Lennoxville. Kate bought her card at the Golden Lion Pub in Lennoxville. The second game for $300.00 was split between five winners: Suzanne Stebenne from Lennoxville, Biana Shank from Sherbrooke, Jean Harrison from Lennoxville, Carmen Cohen from Sherbrooke, and Keith Langevin from Sherbrooke. Suzanne bought her card at Boni Soir Oxford in Lennoxville. Bianca bought her card at Familiprix in Lennoxville. Jean bought her card at Provigo in Lennoxville. Carmen bought her card at Familiprix in Lennoxville. Keith bought his card from A.N.A.F. (The Hut) in Lennoxville. The third game for $500.00 was won by Jen Young of Sherbrooke. Jen bought her card at Centre Nutrition Animale Blue Seal in Lennoxville Sherbrooke. The fourth game for $200.00 was won by Kayla Turcotte from Sherbrooke. Kayla bought her card at Centre Nutrition Animale Blue Seal in Lennoxville Sherbrooke. The big winner this week is Jen Young! Jen is the owner of Centre Nutrition Animale Blue Seal and is also the founder and operator of The Pet Connection. CJMQ would like to give a very special mention to Jen as she is selling over 100 cards a week for the CJMQ bingo besides managing her business and The Pet Connection!! The two businesses with the most winning bingo cards were Centre Nutrition Animale Blue Seal and Familiprix in Lennoxville! Thank you to all who bought cards and played bingo with us! Again thanks so much to all the businesses selling our bingo cards! Bingo cards for next Tuesday s bingo are on sale all ready at the listed businesses! Get your cards and plan your snacks for next Tuesday, November 29th at 7pm!!
New Years Eve Party
Loisirs Sawyerville is organizing a New Years Eve party with a live band “The Country Swingers” in the Catholic Church basement, $20/ticket and it’s Pot Luck. For Tickets contact
Martine 819-553-8500

November 15th Bingo Winners
CJMQ proudly announces the winners from the November 15th bingo! The first game for $200.00 was won by Peter Statton from Sawyerville. Peter bought his card at C.P.L. LaChance in Sawyerville. The second game for $300.00 was won by Donna Hand from Ayer s Cliff. Donna bought her card at Marche Massawippi. The third game for $500.00 was split between Sandra Prupas from North Hatley and France Bergeron from Hatley. Sandra bought her card at Le Baron in North Hatley and France bought her card at Familiprix Lennoxville. The fourth game was won by Sylvie Dubois from Sherbrooke. Sylvie bought her card at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre. Congratulations to all the winners!! And a huge thank you to all the people who bought cards and played bingo with us! Finally, thank you to all the businesses in The Townships who support us by selling our bingo cards!! Special thanks to our special guests this week who are Hayley and Cindy from Famili Prix in Lennoxville. Get your cards for next Tuesday s bingo on November 22nd (Tuesday) at 7pm!! We cannot wait to see who will win next week!
CJMQ Bingo Winners For November 8th Bingo Night
CJMQ is proud to announce the winners for the November 8th bingo! The first game was won for $200.00 by Kristen Bobbitt from Waterville. Kristen bought her card at Provigo in Lennoxville. The second game for $300.00 was split between Suzanne Stebenne, Caroline Goyette, and Donald Thompson. Suzanne is from Lennoxville and bought her card at Provigo in Lennoxville, Caroline is from St. Isiodore and bought her card at Depanneur C.P.L. Lachance in Sawyerville and Donald is from Waterville and bought his card at BoniSoir Lennoxille Oxford. The third game for $500.00 was won by Christine Lane from Compton. Christine bought her cards from Familiprix in Waterville. The fourth game for $200.00 was split between Jeff Grapes from Lennoxville, Nicole Littlejohn from Lennoxville and Debby Sylvester from Canton Hatley. Jeff bought his card from Provigo in Lennoxville. Nicole bought her card from BoniSoir Lennoxville Oxford and Debby bought her card from Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Center in Lennoxville (Sherbrooke). The business selling the most winning cards this week is Provigo in Lennoville and the big winner this week is Christine Lane. Again thank you all who bought cards and played and to all the businesses selling our bingo cards!! Thanks to the bingo team of Gordon, David, Cody, and special guest this week was Marie Pierre from Provigo in Lennoxville. We will doing it again next week: Tuesday, November 15th at 7pm. All businesses selling our bingo cards are listed on our Facebook page and on our website. We will be featuring music from the 80s and 90s during the bingo next week (15th)! $1200.00 is given away every Tuesday!! Make Tuesdays fun and exciting with CJMQ!!!!
MHE Virtual Workshop On November 30th
Mental Health Estrie (MHE) invites you to join us on Wednesday, November 30th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. for our virtual workshop titled “At the End of My Rope: Understanding Burnout & Depression” with guest speaker Camillo Zacchia Ph.D., Psychologist. For information or to register called Emily at 819 565 2388 or see the Facebook page.
Attention CJMQ Bingo Winners
All CJMQ bingo winners can pick up their checks on the Saturday following the bingo between 10am and 2pm and Sunday between 10am and 2pm at 3355 College St in Sherbrooke ( Lennoxville). Ring the bell. Gordon will greet you. You MUST bring your winning bingo card and sign it and also you MUST sign our book and provide an ID. You cannot send someone else to pick up your check unless arrangements have been made beforehand with David. David can be reached at 819-570-2094.
Bingo Winners This Week!
Congratulations to all the winners for CJMQ’s fourth radio bingo night: November 1st, 2022. The first game for $200.00 was shared between Travis Daniels ( card bought at Clarke & Fils), Adam Dubois ( card bought at Petro), Beatrice Juby ( card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre), Angela McCallum ( card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre), Craig Rudd ( card bought at Famili Prix in Waterville), and Nancy Smith ( card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre). The second game for $300.00 was split between Hayley Harrison ( card bought at Famili Prix In Lennoxville) and Casey Richard ( card bought at Le Baron in North Hatley). The third game for $500.00 was won by Casey Richard ( card bought at Le Baron in North Hatley. The fourth game for $200.00 was won by Suzanne Suitor ( card bought at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre). The biggest winner this week is Casey Richard and the business that sold the most winning cards is Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre!! Congratulations to all the winners!! And a huge thank you to all who bought cards and played and to all the businesses selling our cards and all the supporting businesses!! Don’t forget to buy your cards for next week’s bingo, November 8th!!
Mental Health Estrie Annual Campaign For Homeless
"Mental Health Estrie invites you to help keep a person experiencing homelessness warm this winter.  From November to March, the HUGS campaign accepts donations of NEW Hats, Underwear, Gloves, Socks, Scarves and other warm articles of clothing.  Our greatest needs are for warm socks, gloves or mittens and coats – particularly for men. Items can be dropped off directly at our offices in the beige bins next to door #2 at 3355 College in Lennoxville or let us do the shopping for you – all monetary gifts are used to purchase essentials. You can also call us to schedule an in-person drop-off of items or cheques. Please make cheques payable to Mental Health Estrie and indicate HUGS on the memo line. Thank you to all for your continued support and help! For more information, phone 819-565-3777 or email "
Bingo Winners This Week!
to the winners of the CJMQ bingo on October 25th! The first game for $200.00 was won by Enrique Cabrera who bought his card at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre. The second game for $300.00 was won by Caitlin Kirby who bought her card at Blue Seal Animal Nutrition Centre. The third game for $500.00 was split between Brady Smith, Jean Lackie, and Christen Bobbitt. Brady bought his card at The Hut A.N.A.F. Jean bought her card at Famili Prix in Lennoxville. Christen bought her card at Clarke & Fils. The last game for $200.00 was split between Ethel Page and Nancy Grey. Ethel bought her card at the Oxford Dépanneur in Lennoxville and Nancy bought her card at Provigo in Lennoxville. A huge thank you to all who bought cards and played, as well as, all the businesses selling CJMQ bingo cards! Can’t wait to see who the winners will be next week!!
Winners of CJMQ Radio Bingo for October 18 2022
The winners of bingo on Tuesday October 18th, 2022: Sandra Gillam won $200.00 in the first game, the second game for $300.00 was split between Danny Thompson and Samantha Cormier, the third game for $500.00 was split between Janet Whyte and Lorinda Hadley, and the fourth game for $200.00 was split between Janet Kirouac and Amy MacAskill. Amy bought her ticket at Jean Coutu pharmacy in Lennoxville. Big congratulations to the winners!! Unfortunately we don’t have the information where the cards were bought because we were missing a staff member. If anyone can tell me where the cards were bought, I will add it to this post. And a huge thanks to everyone who played!!
Winners Of Radio Bingo October 11th, 2022
to all who supported tonight s first radio bingo! We had five winners! First game for $200.00 was won by Nathaniel Allan who bought his ticket at The Golden Lion Pub. The second game for $300.00 was won by Gabrielle Duncan who bought her ticket at Provigo in Lennoxville. The third game of $500.00 was won by Shirley Wright who bought her ticket at Famili Prix in Lennoxville. The fourth game of $200.00 was split between Colleen Matthews who bought her ticket at the A.N.A.F. Hut in Lennoxville and Angela McCallum who bought her ticket at Blue Seal in Lennoxville. Sorry to all who were listening on internet. It did cut out a couple of times, that is why we announced that it is radio bingo (it is always better to use a radio). We have absolutely no control over internet outages, please contact your internet provider. Now, let s do it again next week!
CJMQ Presents Radio Bingo Starting On October 11th
CJMQ presents Radio Bingo. Play bingo with CJMQ starting on October 11th at 7pm and every Tuesday at 7pm after. CASH PRIZES. Here are the locations of our current Sponsors where you are able to purchase the CJMQ 88.9 FM Radio Bingo Cards. Bingo cards are 6.00 apiece and you must be 18 years and over to purchase cards.

Get your bingo cards at the following locations.

Boni Soir Oxford Lennoxville.
Provigo Lennoxville.
Famili Prix Lennoxville.
Famili Prix Waterville.
Jean Coutu Lennoxville.
Le Centre Nutrition Animale De L Estrie Blue Seal.
Clarke Et Fils Clarke & Sons.
Brasserie Le Lion D Or Golden Lion Pub.
Boutique Encore Lennoxville.
Accommodation Massawippi North Hatley.
Epicerie Le Baron North Hatley.
Accommodation 1010 Magog.
Depanneur MP Magog.
Depanneur De La Marina Magog.
Epicerie Boucherie Chez Ben Magog.
Depanneur Craig Richmond.

Winners every Tuesday night starting October 11th!

Townships Young Voices
Townships Young Voices is a new project in the Eastern Townships that helps creative young people aged twelve to twenty-nine win awards and publication in the Townships Sun magazine. Here’s how:

Take part in a little series of three FREE workshops on ZOOM in October and November to help you create art or photos, or write fiction, non-fiction or poetry for magazines. Then submit your work by December first. In all, seven-hundred-and-fifty dollars in awards are up for the winning.

The workshops begin October fourth, so sign up now to get the zoom link. Just go to the Young Voices page on the Townships Sun website, at That’s You’ll find all the details there.

If you have questions, just email:

Sign up to receive more info:
Annual Quilt Show
The Lennoxville Quilt Guild is having their Annual Quilt Show again, after an absence of 2 years. It is being held at Grace Village this Friday, Sept 9th and Saturday, Sept 10th. The hours are: 10-5:00 on Friday and 10-4:00 on Saturday.

There will be over 30 large quilts and approx 12 small quilts on display. Some will be for sale. There will be a Boutique with quilted items for sale as well as vendor booths.

A special feature this year is a draw for a beautiful Sunflower Quilt. Donations are being collected to help settle Iranian refugees families in the Townships. Every $5 donation gives you a chance in the draw which will be Saturday afternoon.

There will be quilting demonstrations as well as a display of our community projects and a special presentation Saturday morning of 2 Quilts of Valour. These are presented as gifts to local veterans who have served in our armed forces.

Annual Fall Block Party
Hope Community Church in Lennoxville invites the entire local community to their annual Fall Block Party from noon until 4pm on Sunday, September 11th. It will take place rain or shine at 102 Queen Street in Lennoxville.

There will be a free barbecue along with games and inflatables for the kids, live music by the Mike Goudreau Trio and more!

This is a great opportunity to kick off the school year and get to know you neighbours. Everything is completely free of charge! Find more details at

Outdoor Exhibit
Black Histories in the Eastern Townships, an outdoor exhibit in collaboration with the Eastern Townships Research Centre, is accessible at your convenience on the front lawn of the museum 1161 Rte. 243, Canton de Melbourne until October 9th.

Summer Art Show and Sale

Richmond County Historical Society, 1161 Rte. 243, Canton de Melbourne. Open Wednesday to Sunday 10 am to 5 pm from July 1 to August 26. Featuring: Daniel St. Amant, Jennie Johnston, Sandra Picken-Roberts, and Tracey Hill.

Record Sale
Coinciding with record store day June 18th, 6 thousand records, 45s only will be offered for sale at 25 cents a piece or less.

3 thousand of these records come from the music archives of CJMQ 88.9 FM they will be sold at 25 cents each with the entire amount raised to be donated to CJMQ.

Saturday June 18th at Musique Cite 185 king street west one day only, do not miss this unique opportunity to add hard to get vinyl records to your music collection.
Jam Session Benefit For Piggery Theatre
There will be benefit jam session for the Piggery Theatre in North Hatley on June 18th. The event starts at 1pm and stars Sylvie & Gelo, Steve Aulis, Sarah Bedard, David McBurney, Manon Grenier, Lucie Machesseault, Hakim, Suzy Hazelton, Tony Lee, and Allan MacDonald. The Piggery Theatre is located at 215 rue Simard in Saint Catherine de Hatley. Entrance Fee is 5 dollars and donations are accepted.
Annual Yard Sale For Boutique Encore
Don’t miss Boutique Encore’s annual Spring Yard sale, under the big tent, at 3355 College St, Lennoxville. Rain or shine!

The sale begins Friday, June 17 at 8 AM and continues to 4 PM
and on Saturday, June 18,
8 AM to 2 PM.
A five dollar bag sale, where you can put as much as you want in the bag (supplied by us) runs from 2 to 3pm on Saturday!
Free Workshop For Caregivers
Community Aid is hosting a workshop in June for caregivers of loved ones
with age-related challenges or chronic illnesses with Alessandra
Froelich, Psychologist, on the topic of “The Caregiver’s Journey Through
Grief”. The workshop will discuss grief as it relates to death and
dying, as well as grief associated with caring for a loved one, and will
cover ways to cope with the constant losses, changes, and stress that
long-term caregivers meet along the way. The workshop is on Friday,
June 10th from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in
Lennoxville, and admission is free. To register or for more information contact Leigh Hortop at 819 821 4779 ex. 305 or email
Antique Farm Machinery Show
Antique Farm Machinery Show ( Salon du Patrimoine de Cleveland)
128 Rte 143 Cleveland (Richmond Fairgrounds) Quebec

Saturday June 18th 10 -8 and Sunday June 19th 10 - 4
Antique tractors, stationary engines, antique tools, parade, music, tractor games (new this year),door prizes, Flea Market
$20 for 20 feet 2 tables provided and much much more, canteen on premises, Pork and Beef supper Saturday with reservation by June 7th.$25
Entree fee $5.00. For more information: 819-848-1421. You can also checkout our facebook page.
Club For Kids
HCC Kids’ Club is BACK! Every Tuesday at 6-7:30 PM for the month of May starting May 3, Hope Community Church at 102 Queen street in Lennoxville opens its doors for a free evening of games, songs, snacks, and a Bible story. Specifically for children ages 5 to 12, HCC Kids’ Club provides a safe environment for kids to build community and grow. For more information contact the Church Office at 819-822-2627 or at

Free Virtual Workshop
Mental Health Estrie invites you to join us for an upcoming virtual
workshop presented in English. We will be exploring “Grief Literacy” on
Wednesday, March 23rd from 6:30-8:00pm with guest speakers Mary Ellen
Macdonald, Associate Professor, Faculty of Dentistry at McGill
University, and Susan Cadell, Professor, School of Social Work at
Renison University College. This event will help us gain insight on how
to build a supportive community that acknowledges and supports grievers.
It is free of charge and open to all. Please feel free to share this
email with family and friends. For more information contact Emily at 819 565 2388 or email
Bingo Project Manager Job Opening
CJMQ 88,9 FM is looking for a Bingo Project Manager

The person must have the following qualifications:

Secondary 5 diploma
Must have a vehicle and a valid drivers license
A good understanding of administration
A good knowledge of Word and Excel
Accounting knowledge an asset

Honest, reliable, good social and organizational skills
Must have time management skills
Good communication and interpersonal skills
Must be bilingual

Job Description:

Create a point of sale for distribution of Bingo cards
Develop a Bingo game concept, as well as, the day and time of airing Bingo
Assure the visibility and promotion of the project
Assure contact with different suppliers
Establish the game modalities and associated costs
Establish and provide accounting and submit permit request to the Regie
Provide documentation and follow up on the project

Once the project has been approved:

Fold, stamp, date and deliver the Bingo cards
Ensure smooth operation with card suppliers and distributors
Provide accounting of deliveries with station administration
Host radio bingo on air
Ensure administrative follow up of the Project
Prepare monthly and yearly reports
Provide accounting for project income and expenses
Any other tasks related to or connected to the Bingo project.

Full Time
35 hours a week
Salary 20$/h

The interviews will be conducted by Zoom for the selected candidates.

Send your CV to
Or by mail to CJMQ, 3355 rue College, Sherbrooke QC J1M 0B8

The deadline to submit your application is February 11, 2022.

Free Workshops From Mental Health Estrie
Mental Health Estrie invites you to attend their free virtual workshops
which are open to all and presented in English. This January, they will
tackle “Skills for Coping with Difficult Emotions” with returning guest
speaker Melissa Hindley, M.A, c.o, psychotherapist. Starting on
Wednesday, January 19th, “Part 1: In the Moment” teaches skills to
manage intense emotions from 7:00-8:45 pm on Zoom. On Wednesday, January
26th, the series will conclude with “Part 2: Thinking Ahead” learning to
identify the underlying causes of emotional reactions and techniques
that provide long term solutions for emotional regulation from 7:00-8:45
pm on Zoom. For more information, or to register for one or both of
these events, please visit, find them on Facebook
& Instagram, email, or call (819)
Mental Health Estrie Presents A Free Workshop for the Agricultural Community
Mental Health Estrie invites you to a free virtual workshop in English:
“Finding Hope for the Ag Community" presented by Lauren Van Ewyk
(MScMHC, RSW, sheep farmer). Whether you are part of the ag community,
work with its members, or know friends and family who do, this workshop
could help you develop strategies to boost the mental health of those
involved in agriculture while gaining a better understanding of the
challenges faced in this profession. Open to all, 2:00-3:30pm, Thursday,
December 16th. For more information, or to register, please visit our
Facebook or Instagram pages, email, or
call (819) 565-2388
Annual HUGS Campaign
Mental Health Estrie invites you to help keep a homeless person warm this winter. From November to March, the HUGS campaign accepts donations of NEW Hats, Underwear, Gloves, Socks and Scarves and other warm articles of clothing. Our greatest needs are for warm socks, joggings, sweaters and coats – particularly for men. Items can be dropped off directly at our offices in the beige bins next to door #2 at 3355 College in Lennoxville or let us do the shopping for you – all monetary gifts are used to purchase essentials. You can also call us to schedule an in-person drop-off of items or cheques. Please make cheques payable to Mental Health Estrie and indicate HUGS on the memoline. Thank you to all for your continued support and help! For more information, phone 819-565-3777 or email
Virtual Workshop For Mental Health Estrie
Mental Health Estrie invites you to attend our free virtual workshops
which are open to all and presented in English. The theme this November
is “Effective Communication”. On
Wednesday, November 24th, we will host Mélanie Hughes as she presents
“Conflict Resolution for Interpersonal Relationships” from 6:30-8:30 pm
on Zoom. For more information, or to register, please visit our Facebook
or Instagram pages, email, or call (819)
Mental Health Estrie Virtual Workshops
MHE invites you to our free virtual workshops in English this
Standing with your LGBTQ2S+ Loved Ones" presented by Dr. Nate Fuks
(Department of Psychology, McGill University). Open to all, 6:30-7:30pm,
Wednesday, October 20th.

For more information, or to register, please visit our Facebook or
Instagram pages, email, or call (819)
Mental Health Estrie Offers Workshops
Mental Health Estrie invites you to a free virtual workshop series in
English: “Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder” presented by
Valerie Porr (M.A., founder of TARA4BPD). This series will benefit
anyone experiencing difficulties regulating emotions, as well as their
support systems. You are welcome to attend any or all three workshops
from 6:30pm-8:45pm on September 16th, 23rd, and 30th. For more
information, or to register, please visit MHE s Facebook or Instagram
pages, email, or call (819)565-2388.
Farmers Market
Stanstead farmers market will run from June 19th to Oct. 9 from 10am to 1pm. New pavilions hosting many local products. Spaces available for occasional vendors. Please consult the market facebook page.
St Patrick s Society Activities
The St. Patrick s Society of Richmond & Vicinity will present a virtual Irish Heritage Festival this year on March 13, 17, and 20 at 7 PM. All details are on the St. Pat s website

Celebrating our Heritage, with a virtual tour of local historical sites, story-telling and Celtic music by local musicians takes place on March 13. On March 17, there will be the “At Home” Kitchen party with songs, music, and dance. Sharing our Heritage on March 20 includes a workshop on baking Irish soda bread, story-time for little ones, the history of the harp in Ireland, a telling of the story of Maggie Murphy and her life growing up in Richmond in the 1800s, and a presentation on a historical mural that highlights the early history of the Richmond area. All events are free with details at

We invite everyone to keep alive the parade tradition by creating parade contributions at home and sharing your photos and videos by sending them to before March 19.
Online Workshop At Literacy In Action

It is tax season time and Literacy in Action is here to help. Call 819-346-7009 to sign-up for a free online workshop with Canada Revenue Agency happening on March 16th at 1 pm for people with a modest income or if you would like Literacy in Action to file your taxes for you. For sign ups and more information, call Literacy in Action at 819-346-7009.

Mental Health Estrie Workshops
Free Virtual workshops sponsored by Mental Health Estrie in English: Strategies to Overcome Anxiety and Stressful Events presented by Melissa Hindley (M.A. c.o. licensed psychotherapist). You can attend one or all three workshops from 10am to 11:30am on Feb. 24, March 3,and March 10. Register by email or call 819 565 3777.
Family Literacy Week
Literacy in Action s annual Family Literacy Week will be online this year: all activities & events will be LIVE on their Facebook page. Simply visit Literacy in Action s Facebook page on Monday, January 25th at 11 am for What is Family Literacy on Tuesday, January 26th at 6 pm for Sock Puppets; all day on Wednesday, January 27th, for Snow Words; on Thursday, January 28th at 1 pm for Family Budgeting and on Friday, January. 29th at 6 pm for Storytime for all ages. If you have questions about Family Literacy Week, call Literacy in Action at 819-346-7009 or go to their facebook page to view the full schedule of events.
Lennoxville & District Community Aid

You wish to fully live up to your social values, be part of a dynamic team and bring joy and security to people who really need it? If you have just a few hours per month to donate towards making a difference in someone’s life, Lennoxville and District Community Aid needs you! Our Escort-Transport service needs someone like you to help seniors stay safe by bringing them to medical, legal or banking appointments. If you are ready to live this rewarding experience please contact us at 819-821-4779.
CJMQ now accepts PayPal payments!
CJMQ is now accepting payments via PayPal for memberships and donations! Simply click on the Subscribe or Donate buttons on the left menu to setup a quick and hassle-free automatic annual membership or make an immediate donation to your favorite English community radio station!
Voices Needed
Hey Listeners!

CJMQ is looking for volunteers to announce our new English tunes. We need both male and female voices with lots of energy! Interested? Email Maureen at It's a chance to hear your voice on the radio announcing all the new English releases!!
CJMQ is holding a General Meeting to elect a new board member.

The meeting will be held at 7PM TONIGHT May 20, 2010 in the Adam's Room at the Dewhurst Dining Hall (same building as the Security office) on Bishop's Campus.

Please show your support for your local, English, community radio station by showing up! Please become a member for only $20 a year! You must be a member to vote at our general meetings.

Thank you so much for supporting and listening to CJMQ!
Server Problems
CJMQ is currently experiencing problems with their main server. Technicians worked hard last night to try and resolve the issues. More efforts will be made in the near future to ensure the online services CJMQ offers to our community. Please note that we are currently using our backup booth in Sherbrooke to broadcast and not the Lennoxville booth. The playlist on the website is presently NOT ACCURATE. It is for testing purposes only at this point. What you see in the playlist on the website is not what you are hearing on the air. Services that may experience problems during this period are: the website, our 2 live online shoutcast feeds and access to our archived content. Broadcasting problems were present during the early stages of the server problem but have since been resolved because of the switchover to the backup booth in Sherbrooke. During this time, you may notice a lack of live programming.

Please remember that CJMQ is a volunteer, community organization and we are making every effort possible around the clock to ensure our on-air presence and quality of service. We thank you for your support and understanding during our technicial difficulities. We hope to resume our regular live programming soon! Thank you for listening!
Over 100 interviews a year!
CJMQ averages two interviews a week, over three hundred interviews since February 2007! And you can hear them all in our interview section, for archives go to the bottom of the page.
E-mail Song Requests
Hey Everyone,

Do you have a song you would like to hear on the new show called The Weekend Rush? Please e-mail all song requests to
Board Members Wanted
CJMQ is still looking for a new board member. If you would like to get involved with CJMQ and be a part of CJMQ's future then this is your chance! Want to be a part of a great team of dedicated volunteers, share the dream of CJMQ and have some fun? Becoming a board member of CJMQ is the answer!

Please stop by the station and ask to talk to David Teasdale about becoming a board member or call 819-822-1838 for more information. In order to apply for a position, you must present yourself at the station at 184 Queen St. in Lennoxville and fill out the board member application form.

Thanks for your support!

DEADLINE to apply: Feb. 19, 2010 so make sure you apply ASAP!
Winners At BBQ July 26 2009
The winners of the three prizes at the CJMQ BBQ drawing are: Leah Brache, Terry Platt, and Clifford Buzzell. Thanks to the many who bought memberships.
A Huge Thank You From CJMQ 88.9 FM
CJMQ 88.9 FM wishes to thank everyone who participated in the first ever CJMQ BBQ held on Sunday July 26th! The volunteers worked so hard from morning until 5:50pm when the storm came. There was a steady line for hamburgers and hotdogs throughout the day!! Thanks to everyone in the community who came to buy food, take memberships, and buy promotional items!!! Your support was overwhelming!!!!!
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Today's Links
Online Today - Will Ferrel Accepts ESPY on Tiger's Behalf

Looking for old links, check out our archives at the bottom of the page or our Facebook Fan Page
Your Morning Show with Zahcary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

If you missed last week's interview with CCR's Stu Cook you can still hear it in our INTERVIEWS section to your left on this page.

Today's Links
Online Today - A Craig Ferguson April Fool's Day Monologue

Looking for old links, check out our archives at the bottom of the page or our Facebook Fan Page
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

If you missed last week's interview with CCR's Stu Cook you can still hear it in our INTERVIEWS section to your left on this page.

Today's Links
Online Today - Jon Stewart comments on Entertainment Tonight
The New Music - Hidden Heroes
The New Music is brought to you by Shazamfest

Looking for old links, check out our archives at the bottom of the page or our Facebook Fan Page
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

If you missed last week's interview with CCR's Stu Cook you can still hear it in our INTERVIEWS section to your left on this page.

Today's Links
Online Today - Feist on Sesame Street

Looking for old links, check out our archives at the bottom of the page or our Facebook Fan Page
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

If you missed last week's interview with CCR's Stu Cook you can still hear it in our INTERVIEWS section to your left on this page.

Today's Links
Online Today - Craig Ferguson - Taking Citizenship Test

Looking for old links, check out our archives at the bottom of the page or our Facebook Fan Page
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

If you missed last week's interview with CCR's Stu Cook you can still hear it in our INTERVIEWS section to your left on this page.

Today's Links
Online Today - Flight of the Conchords - I'm Not Crying

Looking for old links, check out our archives at the bottom of the page or our Facebook Fan Page
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

If you missed yesterday's interview with CCR's Stu Cook you can still hear it in our interviews section to your left on this page.

Today's Links
Online Today - Rev. Jesse James Forgot He Had a Mic On
The New Music - My Morning Jacket

Looking for old links, check out our archives at the bottom of the page or our Facebook Fan Page
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

If you missed the interview with CCR's Stu Cook you can still hear it in our interviews section to your left on this page.

Today's Links
Online Today - Chris Matthews slipping up bad

Looking for old links, check out our archives at the bottom of the page or our Facebook Fan Page
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Tomorrow morning Stu Cook from CCR is going to be talking with Zach, make sure you tune in!

Today's Links
Online Today - Lessing is Less Than Excited About Winning the Nobel Prize
The New Music - Beck

Looking for old links, check out our archives at the bottom of the page or our Facebook Fan Page
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Today's Links
Online Today - Muppets on July 4th

Looking for old links, check out our archives at the bottom of the page or our Facebook Fan Page
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Today's Links
Online Today - Jim Carrey - I Am The Walrus

Looking for old links, check out our archives at the bottom of the page or our Facebook Fan Page

Your Morning Show with Zahcary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Today's Links
Online Today - The Onion - World of World of Warcraft

Looking for old links, check out our archives at the bottom of the page or our Facebook Fan Page
Your Morning Show tih Zachary-cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Today's Links
Online Today - R.I.P George Carlin, An Original and an Innovator (Letterman 1997)

Looking for old links, check out our archives at the bottom of the page or our Facebook Fan Page
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse.
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Today's Links
Online Today - When The Teleprompter Doesn't Work

Looking for old links, check out our archives at the bottom of the page or our Facebook Fan Page
Your Morning Show with Zahcary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Today's Links
Online Today - Mike Myers on Onside The Actors Studio

Looking for old links, check out our archives at the bottom of the page or our Facebook Fan Page
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Today's Links
Online Today - Spencer Pratt (read:Dingbat) on David Letterman
The New Music - Noah & The Whale

Looking for old links, check out our archives at the bottom of the page or our Facebook Fan Page
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Today's Links
Online Today - Bohemian Rhapsody Impressions Parody
Hidden Heroes MySpace Page

Looking for old links, check out our archives at the bottom of the page or our Facebook Fan Page
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Today's Links
Online Today - Stupid Game Show Answers

Looking for old links, check out our archives at the bottom of the page or our Facebook Fan Page
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Today's Links
Online Today - Letterman's Top Ten - How Hot Is It?
The New Music - The Troublemaker - Weezer

Looking for old links, check out our archives at the bottom of the page or our Facebook Fan Page
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Today's Links
Online Today - Miss Teen South Carolina

Looking for old links from previous shows, scroll to the bottom of the page and check out our archives.
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Today's Links
Online Today - Ricky Gervais - Dwarf Survey

Looking for old links from previous shows, scroll to the bottom of the page and check out our archives.
Your Morning Show With Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Today's Links
Online Today - Ricky Gervais On Letterman

Looking for old links from previous shows, scroll to the bottom of the page and check out our archives.
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Today's Links
Online Today - Steven Wright on Letterman: 1990
The New Music - M.I.A. (do not go to this MySpace page if you have a history of seizures)

Looking for old links from previous shows, scroll to the bottom of the page and check out our archives.
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Today's Links
Online Today - Alex Trebek on The Hour

Looking for old links from previous shows, scroll to the bottom of the page and check out our archives.
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Links from this morning's show:
Online Today - Conan O'Brien Interviewed by two Finnish Boys

*want to check past links, scroll to the bottom of this page and you'll find what you're looking for in the archives.
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Links from this morning's show:
Online Today - Keith Olbermann Blasts Hilary Clinton
The New Music - Stars - Take Me to The Riot

*want to check past links, scroll to the bottom of this page and you'll find what you're looking for in the archives.
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Links from this morning's show:
Online Today - Press 1 For English
The New Music - Coldplay - Violet Hill

*want to check past links, scroll to the bottom of this page and you'll find what you're looking for in the archives.
Your Morning show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Links from this morning's show:
Online Today - Flight of The Conchords - Albi (The Racist Dragon)

*want to check past links, scroll to the bottom of this page and you'll find what you're looking for in the archives.
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Links from this morning's show:

YouTube Clip That Doesn't Translate Well To Radio

*want to check past links, scroll to the bottom of this page and you'll find what you're looking for in the archives.
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Links from this morning's show:
Online Today - Mitch Hedberg at Just For Laughs
New Music Artists - Operator Please MySpace Page

*want to check past links, scroll to the bottom of this page and you'll find what you're looking for in the archives.
Your Morning Show With Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Links from this morning's show:
Online Today - Bill O'Reily Gets Angry (Disclaimer: Billy O drops the eff bomb)
New Music Artists - The Blue Seeds MySpace Page

*want to check past links, scroll to the bottom of this page and you'll find what you're looking for in the archives.


Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Links from this morning's show:
Tony Romo Sings 'Take Me Out To the Ball Game'
New Music Artists - The Blue Seeds MySpace Page

*want to check past links, scroll to the bottom of this page and you'll find what you're looking for in the archives.
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 10 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Links from this morning's show:
Weezer - Pork and Beans
The Blue Seeds - Lost and Delirious Video

*want to check past links, scroll to the bottom of this page and you'll find what you're looking for in the archives.
Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Tune in to Your Morning Show with Zachary-Cy Vanasse
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 9 a.m.

Have a song inquiry, event or birthday to announce, question or comment for Your Morning Show, e-mail us at
Become a fan of Your Morning Show on Facebook!

Links from this morning's show:
YouTube Clip That Doesn't Trasnlate Well To Radio

*want to check past links, scroll to the bottom of this page and you'll find what you're looking for in the archives.
Your Morning Show
Tune in to Your Morning Show
Weekdays 6:30 a.m to 9 a.m.
Hosted by Zachary-Cy Vanasse

Links from this Morning
The Fall (movie trailer)
ESPN Page 2: Karl Malone

Your Morning with Zach
CJMQ now has a morning show

Your morning with Zach, tune in to hear what the Townships is talking about. Your Morning with Zach every week-day from 6:30am to 9am.
Another milestone for CJMQ! CJMQ has moved to a new location at 184 Queen St in Lennoxville. Come visit us!

Community radio located in the heart of the community to better serve the community! Great music, great fun! CJMQ 88.9FM - have you listened lately?

LOCAL BANDS: Have a CD to sell? Bring some by to CJMQ! We will sell your CDs for you in order to promote local talent. Be heard! Stop by CJMQ ASAP!

CJMQ Now a Member of ARCQ
CJMQ is now an official member of ARCQ (Association Radio Communautaire de Quebec).

We are very proud to be a member in good standing of this organization.
CJMQ Now At 2000 Watts
CJMQ is now officially at 2000 watts

This is a great step forward for our community.

CJMQ promotes the local community like no other can.

Tune us in, listen to CJMQ while at work.
Constitution of CJMQ
We are making revisions to our constitution. Please take the time to read through and if you have any questions or concerns, please attend the Annual General Meeting and bring them up for discussion. Please note that the old constitution will be in effect until the new one is approved.

Proposed CJMQ Constitution

Thank you for your time and support of CJMQ!

CJMQ Featured Artist - Amanda Campbell Coates
Amanda is from Bishopton Quebec, she has released an album of cover songs. She is presently working on some of her own compositions.

Her distinctive vocals ensure her a place in the music scene. Listen to CJMQ to hear Amanda. We discovered Amanda playing her guitar and singing her heart out at the Cookshire Fair.

CRTC decision concerning CJMQ
Today the CRTC published its' decisions on applications submitted by CJMQ.

Application to increase power of CJMQ from 500 watts to 2000 watts, approved.
Application to renew broadcast license - approved, next renewal date is in 2014
Application to change from category B community station to category A - approved.

This is great news for CJMQ and for the English Language community to the Eastern Townships!
No Side Wins the Vote On Zoning Changes
The no side wins Sunday's vote effectively stopping the projected zone changes that had many in the Downtown sector of the city of Sherbrooke and the borough of Lennoxville concerned.

There was 28% turnout for the vote and the no side won by a 5000 vote margin.

For full details tune into the News and Music Show at noon and again to What's Your Point today at 5pm.
Attention Pet Owners
All pet foods sold at Clarke & Fils (Clarke and Sons) are safe. They have a wide assortment of pet foods and none have been recalled. Go to the interview section to hear a short interview with Mr. John Crease, owner of Clarke & Fils.
Schools Closed
Today.... Friday March 2nd 2007, all schools in the ETSB jurisdiction are CLOSED!!!!

There is a weather warning in effect for the Eastern Townships for snow and blowing snow.
Townshippers Bilingualism Workshops Cancelled
The Townshippers' workshops on bilingualism scheduled for today, February 19th, 2007 from 6 to 9 pm will be cancelled, as well as, the workshop for tomorrow February 20th 2007 9:30am to 12:30.

You will be notified as to when they will be re-scheduled for.
Weather Warning - School Closing
There is a weather warning in effect for the Eastern Townships, winds gustting to 40kmh dropping visibility to 0.

All Schools closed today, Thursday Feb 15th 2007.

Bishop's University, classes cancelled.
Champlain College closed.

People urged to stay off the streets, abandonned cars towed away for free, as the region struggles to deal with this severe weather event.

Public transport is free today.

Stay tuned to CJMQ for further updates.

To announce a cancellation call 819-570-2094.
Happy Valentine's Day from CJMQ 88.9 FM
Congratulations to Nathalie Allaire from Sherbrooke, Quebec. Nathalie is the lucky winner of a Valentine bouquet donated by Fleuriste Vaudry Florist 2001 located at 251 J Queen Street in Lennoxville, tel: 819-563-7272 or toll free 888-563-7272. The bouquet was given away on The News & Music Show on Valentine's Day. Boycott the candies: Give flowers!
Press Conference Stephen Harper - Jean Charest in Sherbrooke
CJMQ attended the news conference held in Sherbrooke with Stephen Harper and Jean Charest announcing the Eco Trust funding 1,5 billion nationally and 349,9 million Provincially. To hear the entire press conference go to our interview section.
Flu Bug Closes Sherbrooke Elementary
Sherbrooke Elementary School will be closed today Wednesday February 7th as well as Thursday and Friday. Catch up on your homework.
Help Keep CJMQ Alive
The situation with the transmitter has become critical, we need your help to keep CJMQ on air. Your support is essential to the continued survival of our station.

Don't wait until it is too late, donate today, tax reciepts are available.

CJMQ is the only locally produced English Language broadcaster in the Eastern Townships. We are your community radio station help us stay alive. Click on donate, or call us at 819-822-9600 ext 2689 and leave your contact information.
Thank you for supporting community radio.
Zoning Changes in Lennoxville Threaten local Businesses
The Results are In!!
Over 3200 residents of Sherbrooke and Lennoxville signed the registry at city hall. 2870 signatures were required in order to force the city of Sherbrooke to hold a referendum on the zoning changes to the downtown sectors of Sherbrooke and Lennoxville. With over 3200 registrations the city of Sherbrooke will he holding a referendum, before May 6th of this year.
CJMQ news, covered the story from beginning to end, and we will be there for the referendum. CJMQ Getting The Job Done. for the full story listen to our interview with Fraser Adams in our interview section.

Proposed Zoning Changes
You have this week from January 22 to Jan 26th to register your disapproval of the proposed zoning changes to downtown Lennoxville.
This zoning change would see the eventual destruction of community based business in our community.
You can register at the Sherbrooke City Hall corner of Frontenac and Wellington North between 9am and 7pm. Any resident of Sherbrooke is eligible. There is free parking, no stairs to climb and very easy access.
It only takes five minutes to help save our local community businesses, show them that you care.
CJMQ 88,9 FM Getting the Job Done
CJMQ 88.9 FM has a new transmitter! A big thank you to all the listeners who sent donations to help make this goal happen!

CJMQ 88,9 FM continues to get the message of the Eastern Townships out.
CJMQ does more to promote local artists than any other Broadcaster.
We get the job done, with timely interviews and breaking news of the Townships.

CJMQ 88,9 FM doesn't just talk about getting the job done, we are doing it, and have been for over 15 years.
Interviews Aired On CJMQ 88,9 FM
Our website now features a separate interviews section! You may access it by clicking on "Interviews" in the main menu at the left, or by clicking here:

Unique CJMQ Interviews

Return to current announcements

Click here to listen to the QUBE weather podcast!


Current Conditions: Light Snow, -9.6°C

Friday: Chance of flurries. High minus 9. POP 40%

Friday night: Chance of flurries. Low minus 21. POP 40%

Saturday: A mix of sun and cloud. High minus 8.

Saturday night: Chance of flurries. Low minus 12. POP 60%

Sunday: Snow. High minus 9.

Sunday night: Snow. Low minus 13.

Monday: Snow. High minus 11.

Monday night: Snow. Low minus 19.

Tuesday: A mix of sun and cloud. High minus 14.

Tuesday night: Cloudy periods. Low minus 18.

Wednesday: A mix of sun and cloud. High minus 9.

Wednesday night: Chance of flurries. Low minus 17. POP 30%

Thursday: Flurries. High minus 8.


Quebec News

National News

World News

the QUBE Top 10 Tracks This Week
1. Jerry Sereda - Baptized by Your Love
2. Gracie Abrams - That's So True
3. MINOE - Jealous (Clean)
4. emstuu - Don't Look At Me
5. Aaron Halliday - Home Wasn't Built In A Day
6. Elyse Aeryn - Cowboy
7. Jeff Catto - Gold
8. Ty Wilson - Chasin' Headlights
9. Arlene Quinn - Wonder Woman
10. Jennifer E. Brant - CC - Jennifer E. Brant / Let it Continue in our Minds

Page and database design, concept and implementation donated by:
James Platt

Get Involved!

CJMQ is a Proud Member of the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council

CJMQ tient à souligner la contribution financière du Ministère de la Culture, des Communications et de la Condition féminine du Québec.

CJMQ would like to thank the Ministère de la Culture, des Communications et de la Condition féminine du Québec for its' financial contribution.